Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Page 46

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.04.2019, Page 46
38The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 05— 2019 Sensibility Is A Muscle Turkish author Hakan Günday brings his love of language to the Reykjavík International Literary Festival Words: Björn Halldórsson Photo: Selen Ozer Günday International Reykjavik Literary festival Hakan Günday will be one of the authors taking part in the International Reykjavík Literary Festival that takes place between the 24th to the 27th of April 2019. With his eighth novel, 'More,' pub- lished by Arcade, Hakan Günday entered the relatively small group of contemporary Turkish authors whose work is available in English translation. His standing in that group was cemented when an ear- lier work, 'The Few,' was published in translation last fall. Günday is one of the many international au- thors who w i l l be attending the Reykjavík Inter- national Literary festival this April. A s u s t a i n a b l e s t a t e o f e v i l ' Mor e' i s n a r- rated by a boy n a m e d G a z a , who from child- hood takes part in his family’s bloody business of human trafficking. The novel offers a dark and poignant look at the ongoing refugee crisis and is filled with disturbing scenes of v iolence and cal lousness. “I’m more concerned with how people get used to violence than I am with violence itself,” Gün- day explains. “I find that far more dangerous and horrify- ing. My characters are lost in a vicious cycle, living with per- manent violence yet unaware of their situation. They’re living in a sustainable state of evil.” For the love of words Despite its violent imagery, Gün- day’s writing is also filled with evidence of his love l a n g ua ge . The names of his books and charac- ters often contain elaborate word games that may sadly become lost i n t ra n slat ion. “ M y f a v o u r i t e book is the Turk- ish dictionary,” Günday says. “It cont a i n s thou- sands of words that are waiting for their stories to be told. In Tur- key, and everywhere else where populism reigns, words are the first things that the authorities target. The first act of an authori- tarian regime is to write its own dictionary, changing the mean- ing of words in order to control our communication. I want to do my best to remind my read- ers of the true meaning of words.” Fighting man’s natural tendencies Perhaps due to Turkey’s centuries old poetic traditions, the novel form was a relative latecomer in Turkish literature. Early novel- ists were influenced by transla- tions of Russian and European literature—Günday himself lists French novelist Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s 'Journey to the End of the Night' as an early inspiration. “That book showed me how man has a natural tendency to become merciless and dumb,” he remi- nisces. “You have to accept that first if you want to change your nature.” He also mentions the influence of Turkish writer Oğuz Atay, a pioneer of the Turkish nov- el form who wrote several complex psychological novels in the 1970s. Forcing yourself to stay awake Looking back, Günday says he can see a common thread in these early inspirations: “These writers were trying to tell us that sensibility is a muscle. If you train that muscle then you might be able to stay awake. Oth- erwise you allow society and the authorities to put you to sleep. If they put you to sleep, your dreams will never be your own. You will be left with the dreams of those that put you to sleep.” “My characters are lost in a vicious cycle; living with per- manent violence yet unaware of their situation” Books Hakan Günday The oldestdiner B U R G E R S – S A N D W I C H E S BBQ RIBS – STEAKS – FISH WRAPS AND LOCAL DISHES V I S I T I N R E Y K J A V Í K W W W . G R I L L H U S I D . I S TRYGGVAGATA 20, TEL: 5623456


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