Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - sept 2019, Qupperneq 13

Reykjavík Grapevine - sept 2019, Qupperneq 13
A biologist at the Marine Research Insti- tute (MRI) created a stir this week after declaring that whale watching boats could be to blame for the recent pilot whale strandings along the Snæfellsnes and Reykjanes peninsulas. On August 6th, Sverrir Daníel Hall- dórsson suggested to state broadcaster RÚV that noise from whale watching ships could cause the whales to become confused and move toward shore. “I heard of a group [of whales] in Faxaflói Bay, which was probably this group [that eventually stranded], and there were six whale watching boats around them,” he said. “Therefore, I think it’s not unlikely that it may have distracted them. That is, noise from the boats.” The Board of Whale Watching in Iceland promptly requested that Sverrir retract his statement, saying that, while their ships were watching the pelagic whales, they were nowhere near them, and that it is more likely that private boats are to blame. “In recent years, whale watching companies, the University of Iceland, and foreign parties have been research- ing the possible effects of whale watch- ing on animal behaviour, such as food production, and have shown that the effects are small or nonexist- ent in the long run,” read a statement from the Board. It further asserted that it was irresponsible of MRI to make such a public statement without scientific data or research to back it up. The voice of reason “It’s highly unlikely that the whale watching boats are causing this,” Edda Elísabet Magnússdóttir, PhD marine biologist at the University of Iceland, said of the quarrel. “If it would have been the boats disturbing the whales, it would have led to stranding very quickly.” She went on to say that Sverrir was referring to a whale watching tour that happened around the 16th of July, while the first stranding occurred two weeks later. In the midst of the drama, the two parties came together for a meeting on the afternoon of August 7th, which proved to be a harbinger of peace. Gísli Víkingsson, head of whale research at MRI, defended his employee, saying that the comments were taken out of context. “[Sverrir] did not state that this inci- dent was a likely reason for the strand- ing event last weekend,” he explained. “Although, he said that such behaviour of whale watching operators could nega- tively affect the behaviour of whales.” Gísli also iterated that the way this situation has been handled in the media has caused people to draw a direct connection between the two incidents, which was not the intention of MRI. Moving forward “I think we all agree that while there is no way to determine the cause of this particular event, and that there is a need for more research on interactions between cetaceans and the w h a l e w a t c h i n g industry, as well as other vessel traffic, and also more gener- ally on the causes of mass strandings of cetaceans,” Gísli said, insisting Sverrir’s original comments were in the spirit of whale conservation. Ensuring the welfare of whales is certainly something we can all agree on. Words: Sam O’Donnell Photo: Art Bicnick All's whale that ends whale WHALES, PUFFINS & REYKJAVÍK May 10:00, 12:00 14:00 June 10:00, 12:00 14:00, 16:00 20:00 July & August 09:00, 10:00, 11:00 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 15:00, 16:00, 20:00 Price: 21.990 ISK #WHALESAFARI • #THEULTIMATEWHALEWATCHING • #CLOSERTONATURE +354 497 0000 • INFO@WHALESAFARI.IS • WHALESAFARI.IS “AMAZING EXPERIENCE 10/10, WOULD BOOK AGAIN!” “THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE IN ICELAND!!” 2018 CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE P R E M I U M WHALE WATCHING TOURS 13 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14— 2019 “It’s highly unlikely that the whale watching boats are causing strandings.” A Whale Of A Conflict Are whale watching ships responsible for the recent strandings?


Reykjavík Grapevine

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