Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - sept 2019, Qupperneq 38

Reykjavík Grapevine - sept 2019, Qupperneq 38
Finding Earth On The Moon ‘A New Documentary Examines The Human Side Of One Of Mankind’s Greatest Endeavours Words: Felix Robertson Photos: Still from movie Documentary The documentary is shown at the Exploration Museum in Húsavík. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the moon land- ings, a new documentary enti- tled ‘Cosmic Birth,’ produced by Rafnar Orri Gunnarsson and Örlygur (Örly) Hnefill Örlygs- son, considers the spiritual, hu- man side of this extraordinary achievement, as well as the role Iceland played in the story. Down to Earth The documentary is a charm- ingly eccentric work. Anima- tion is interwoven with poetry and an original soundtrack; in one scene memorably depicted by a fully suited astronaut play- ing the squeezebox. In contrast to the often technical telling of the moon landings, ‘Cosmic Birth’ provides a more spiritual account, considering the reli- gious and cultural significance of the moon, most strikingly by opening with a passage from a children’s book. It’s an unusual approach, and renders the doc- umentary a little incohesive, but it’s still a welcome change from the historical narrative that of- ten dominates accounts of the moon landings. This looser, more reflective approach is displayed most viv- idly in the brilliant segments with NASA moonwalkers such as Bill Anders and Charles Duke. In a wonderfully varied series of conversations, the astronauts discuss how they first heard about NASA recruiting, expound on the beauty of the ‘Earth Ris- ing’ photo, and discuss their families. “W hat surprised me about meeting these men was how down to earth they were,” says Örly. It was a lso clear even from the rel- at ively shor t i n- terview segments that they were still filled with stories and recollections. “We had over twen- t y four hours of col le c t ive i nt er- views. The biggest chal lenge was choosing which stories to include.” A deeply human story Perhaps the most touching and intriguing moment, however, comes when the documentary turns to Iceland’s small but sig- nificant role in the lead-up to the moon landing. In 1965 and 1967, NASA sent several groups of as- tronauts to Iceland for geologi- cal field trips, frequently based around Husavik, due to a sus- pected similarity between the basalt based Icelandic landscape and the lunar surface, a similar- ity that would be confirmed in the eventual 1969 moon-landing. Örly credits his discovery of this research as a key aspect in his fascination with the Apollo mis- sions. But the most stri k ing as- pect of this section of the film was, in stark contrast to the scientific purpose of the trip, a deeply human story. Mark Arm- strong, son of Neil Armstrong, describes how he was able to spend a few weeks in Iceland on a fishing trip with his father, a time he still treasures greatly. “Neil Armstrong was trained for ten years to go to the moon, and for all the possible scenari- os,” explains Örly. “But what he wasn’t trained for was the fame that came with it. People were always approaching him asking for photos or auto- graphs, but here in Iceland he could be himself. I’m glad Iceland could give him that.” U l t i m a t e l y , however, it ’s the f i l m ’s e c o l o g i - cal message that sh i n e s t h ro u g h . The slogan of the film, itself a quote from astro- naut Bi l l Anders, reads, ‘We went to the moon, but we discov- ered the earth.’ Similar senti- ments are repeated throughout the documentary. “We asked all the astronauts about this experience of viewing the earth,” says Örly. “And this was a common theme for all of them, it was more powerful, for them, to view the earth from the moon, than the fact that they were standing on the moon it- self. That tells us something about the value of our world.” Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Film FILM Share this + Archives Flat earthers beware “In Iceland, Neil Armstrong could be him- self. I’m glad we could give him that.” LO O K IN G F O R F O O D W IT H A V IE W ? Ta ke in o ne o f t he c ity ˇs m os t st un ni ng v ie w s at S K Ý R es ta ur an t & B ar w hi le e nj oy in g a w id e va rie ty o f d el ic io us c ou rs es . R E S T A U R A N T & B A R Ingólfsstræti 1, 101 Rvk Tel: +354 595 8545


Reykjavík Grapevine

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