Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine - sept 2019, Qupperneq 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - sept 2019, Qupperneq 42
42The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14— 2019 Threads That Bind Sláturhúsið’s summer exhibition interweaves storytelling with visual poetry Words: a rawlings Photo: John Rogers Text-based Art Exhibition ‘Sunnifa’ and ‘ég er að deyja’ are on display at Sláturhúsið in Egilsstaðir until September 15th “I wanted to tell this story because I think it’s highly relevant,” says Kristín Amalía Atladóttir, “not only as a reaction to the Me Too rev- olution. It’s also a kind of reaction to the very uncomfortable things that are developing in America and Poland, where women’s repro- ductive rights are being limited.” Kristín Amalía is the director of Egilsstaðir’s cultural centre, Slá- turhúsið. She is also the origina- tor of this summer’s multimedia storytelling exhibition ‘Sunnifa.’ While literature is not the usual focus of Sláturhúsið’s programme, this exhibition runs simultaneous- ly with Kristín Gunnlaugsdottir’s exhibition of embroidered text. The story of Sunnifa Kristín Amalía elaborates on her exhibition’s raison d’être: “This is a 300-year-old story about Sunnifa, who became a victim of strict laws regarding incest, unwanted pregnancies, and kill- ing babies. It ’s an incredible story that took place over twenty years. Very little is known apart from official documentation.” To prepare Sunnifa’s story in an exhibition space, Kristín col- laborated with a designer and an illustrator. “We only had the sto- ry itself, no visuals. So the chal- lenge was to make an exhibition that would sustain interest al- though it was mostly text-based.” Historical whodunit Kristín Amalía’s research into Sun n ifa’s l i fe revea led that the legal case was the prima- ry source indicating her ex- istence, as there were other- wise no birth or death records. “She’s nowhere on record. We’re trying to bring her to life, to give her a face and a presence. All the men are silhouettes; she and the children are the only ones with faces in the exhibition.” The exhibition includes a book written by Kristín Amalía, with all of the facts that are known about Sunnifa and her legal case. “When there’s a bit of bias, I put a footnote. There is a whodunit in the end. You don’t want to in- f luence people. They can col- lect all the facts that are known and make up their own minds.” Text meets textile For her exhibition ‘ég er að dey- ja’, visual artist Kristín Gunn- laugsdóttir embroiders common phrases on large wall canvases. According to Sláturhúsið’s direc- tor, “these sentences come from the mouths of kids and teenag- ers, but have a broader relevance. “K r i st í n Gu n n laugsdót t i r picked up sentences and gave them a different context, like ‘I wish she was dead.’ Teenag- ers do say that but, like I said, it has a different context in rela- tion to the Sunnifa exhibition.” Each canvas focuses on a word or phrase, embroidered in red thread on a burlap-coloured background. One canvas centers ‘mamma mín’ (Icelandic for ‘my mother’), while another displays a phrase that translates as ‘just as good I am not beautiful’. The sentences are terse, complex with meaning despite their succinctness. Red thread resonates as life-blood, anger, love, or an editor’s red pen. Ég er að deyja On one canvas, Kristín repeatedly embroidered the phrase ‘ég er að deyja’ (‘I am dying’, in English). The capacity to write the sentence is slowed down dramatically by us- ing needle and thread to embed it on the canvas. The slower engage- ment with letters and words moves towards ex haustion through the repetition of this phrase. “As it progresses,” Kristín Amalía explains, “you’re moving closer to the meaning of the sen- tence. ‘Ég er að deyja.’ We’re dy- ing from heat, we’re dying from whatever. I think this is the only true statement we can make.” Kristín Amalía stresses the interconnections between her Sunnifa exhibition and Kristín’s work. “‘Ég er að deyja’ is in direct relation to the Sunnifa exhibi- tion, which is all about death— death is hanging over her head for the twenty years of the story.” Ekki, an echo Yet another canvas bears the sole word ‘ekki’, which means ‘not’ in Icelandic. “When you’re cry- ing,” says Kristín Amalía, “the gasping sound, this is ‘ekki’. Possibly it relates to ‘echo’.” Kristín Amalía sources an in- tertextual connection between the prominence of ‘ekki’ in the exhibition and its relationship with sorrow. “There was a book of poetry published last Christ- mas called ‘Requiem’ by Gerður Kristný. It’s about sexual violence, an incestuous incident that hap- pened twenty years ago when Gerður was a journalist. In the book, Gerður writes about church and benches, which rhymes in Icelandic. ‘In the church of doom and sorrow, there are benches made out of sorrow.’ I don’t know if Kristín was aware of Gerður’s lines when she was playing with this word, but it resonates.” After the flood “I’m working on two other proj- ects related to the ‘Sunnifa’ ex- hibition,” Kristín Amalía shares. “There was a woman named Hall- dóra born in Seyðisfjörður who was drowned in the valley. She was innocent. I’m working to get her a posthumous pardon. This is difficult because there’s no such law in Iceland. I’m waiting for a phone call to see what’s best with the government, whether to cre- ate new laws or a new category of pardoning posthumously. Hope- fully, I’ll get this through parlia- ment and we’ll be able to put up a big memorial, using her as a rep- resentative of all of these women who were victims of sexual abuse.” Ekki. It makes one feel emotional. Woven words Books Austurmörk 21 Hveragerði 14.06. | 15.09. Open daily 12-6 pm Free admission Only 40 min. drive from Reykjavik -on the Golden Circle ICELAND MUSEUM AWARD 2018 GIFT PEOPLE TO THE THE The oldest diner B U R G E R S – S A N D W I C H E S BBQ RIBS – STEAKS – FISH WRAPS AND LOCAL DISHES V I S I T I N R E Y K J A V Í K W W W . G R I L L H U S I D . I S TRYGGVAGATA 20, TEL: 5623456


Reykjavík Grapevine

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