Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Side 52

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Side 52
EDDA RECAP Hyndluljóð The Poem of Hyndla Words: Grayson Del Faro Illustration: Lóa Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttir This poem is actually has two women who talk to each other! Of course they’re talking about a dude, so it still doesn’t pass the Bechdel test, but when we’re talking about Medieval literature you take any woman you can get. Most of the poem is a boring list of ancestors, but it’s worth recap- ping for the sassy exchanges between these shady ladies. Miss Piggy So some guy named Óttarr the Dumbfuck is hoping to inherit some money or something and has to prove he is related to the dead person in question. He asks the goddess Freyja to prove it. So Freyja transforms him into a huge, golden pig and rides him up to the crib of her frenemy, Hyndla. Hyndla is both an all- knowing prophetess (called a völva in Icelandic) and a giantess. So, you could say she is a giant vulva. Freyja busts in on Hyndla while’s she’s sleeping and wakes her up like, “Oh, hey giiiiirllllll, it’s so nice to seeeee youuuuu! Omg did you get your hair done recently cuz you look sooooo goooooood. Get on your wolf, sista, cuz we’re going to Valhal- laaaaa!” Hyndla is like, “Listen up, bitch. You just woke me up and I’m not going anywhere. I can see the past and present, so I obvi- ously know that pig is actually Óttarr.” Freyja twirls her hair and says, “You must be confused from your nap! This is totally the pig I always ride and not Óttarr at all. But it’s funny you bring him up. Got any dirt on his family?” Ice for that burn Hyndla may low-key hate Freyja and already be on to her gag, but she must love the goss because she does not hesitate to spill the tea. She goes on and on, saying Óttarr was related to this hero and that warrior-maiden, this god and that giantess, that one time the god Loki turned into a lady-horse to get fucked by a total stud, also this king and that queen, etc. “Omg wow that’s soooo interesting!” Freyja says. “Can you give a memory potion to my pig, who is definitely Óttarr, so he can remember all this juicy dirt?” “Fuck no, bitch! I’m done. I’m going back to sleep. Get outta my face and back to your corner where you belong, you trampy, slutty, goatwhore!” Freyja threatens to set Hyn- dla on fire, but Hyndla reminds Freyja that she can see the future that they’re all gonna be burned to death in the apocalypse any- way. That’s one way to win an argument, eh, ladies? Morals of the story: 1. 1. Keep your friends close and your frenemies close enough to be useful. 2. Don’t expect people to be nice to you if you wake them up. TV GODDESS ‘The Family’ Words: Lóa Hín Hlálmtýsdóttir Jesus H. Christ! It looks like the conspiracy nutters were right all along. There are mad little illumi- nati men running around the world ruining everything. Netflix (my go- to source in life) has spawned yet another awesome series. ‘The Family’ is a docuseries based on the books ‘The Fam- ily’ and ‘C Street’ by Jeff Sharlet. They investigate a powerful se- cret Christian organization based in the United States, the nuttiest of countries. I usually don't like it when TV shows me reality, but this story is so unbelievably odd that my eyes were immediately glued to the screen. Watching the show is l ike watching a prequel to ‘The Hand- maid’s Tale.’ The episodes are a blend of interviews, news footage, and re-enactments. I don't like re- enactment as a concept because they sometimes ruin perfectly good stories by being badly done and that makes me angry. In ‘The Family,’ they're well done. The ac- tors are especially good at playing weird Christian fraternity boys. Much to my boyfriend's delight, I didn't fall asleep like I usually do when we watch something serious. The Family is an organization that uses Jesus and brown nosing to climb up the social ladder, and they have managed to climb pretty high over the past 50 years. I don't understand why people are so hun- gry for power; it makes me tired just thinking about it. I also don't understand why American Chris- tians can actually be more boring than other types of Christians. If the series is factual, these boring men in their beige pants are bouncing around the world, spreading their disgusting, hu- man rights crushing agenda. It's fascinating how someone can be so evil and so mundane at the same time. I thought the devil would at least wear a cape, but it seems he's perfectly happy in a badly tailored suit. 52The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2018 In this series, we illuminate the individual poems of the Edda–that most famous, epic masterpiece of Icelandic literary tradition–with humour, vulgarity and modern realness. If you're still confused, Google 'Saga Recap.' GRANDAGARÐI 8 101 REYKJAVÍK * 00354 456 4040 * WWW.BRYGGJANBRUGGHUS.IS BREWERY BY THE HARBOUR LUNCH BRUNCH DINNER BREWERY TOUR Picture taken by Satan


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