Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 2

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 2
Elín Elísabet is an illus- trator and cartoonist born and raised in Borgarnes. At the tender age of 15, Elín moved to Reykjavík and hasn’t looked back, except for the annual springtime impulse to move someplace quiet and keep chickens. Elín likes folk music, stationery, seal vid- eos, the country of Ireland, and eggs. Hannah Jane Cohen is based out of Iceland by way of New York. An alumni of Columbia University, Hannah has lived on five continents and speaks three languages fluently. Her visionary work is known for expand- ing the definitions of emotion, introspec- tion, and above all else, taste. Alexander Jean Edvard Le Sage de Fontenay is a Reykjavík-born part- time DJ (under the pseudonym Bervit), event-planner and lover of art, creation and aesthetics. Most recent endeavors in- clude co-producing The Grapevine’s own Grassroots concerts at Húrra and LungA Art Festival’s busy event schedule. Shruthi Basappa traded the warmth of Indian summers for Iceland's Arctic winds. She's a food enthusiast masquer- ading as an architect at Sei Studio, and loves obsessive attention to detail. When not leading our Best of Reykjavík food panel, she can be found trying to become a Michelin restaurant inspector. Samuel O Donnell Sam is an English major from The United States. He has his Bachelor’s Degree, and keeps telling himself that this is the year he will begin pursu- ing his Master’s. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, writing short horror stories, listen- ing to all kinds of metal, and reading. Sveinbjörn Pálsson is our Art Director. He's responsible for the design of the magazine and the cover photography. When he's not work- ing here, he DJs as Terrordisco, hosts the Funkþátturinn radio show, or sits at a table in a Laugarda- lur café, drinking copious amounts of coffee and thinking about fonts. Andie Fontaine has lived in Iceland since 1999 and has been reporting since 2003. They were the first foreign-born mem- ber of the Icelandic Parliament, in 2007- 08, an experience they recommend for anyone who wants to experience a workplace where colleagues work tire- lessly to undermine each other. a rawlings is Grape- vine's literature correspondent, also covering environ- mental news, travel, and more. An inter- disciplinary artist whose work focuses on environmental ethics, dysfluency, and watery bodies, her books include 'Wide slumber for lepidopterists' and 'Sound of Mull.' Lóa Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttir is a national treasure. One of Iceland's leading illustra- tors, when she's not drawing in her unique style, she's the front-woman of Icelandic electro- pop supergroup FM Belfast. Her comic strip Lóaboratorium appears every issue on page 8, and is also available as a daily dose on her Twitter. First 12: Post Office Getting Its Act Together 14: The Pink Gold Rush16: From Bombs To Budget Airline 24: Bio Queens Break The Norm 30: Gabríel Ólafs at One Little Indian 36: Listastofan Bids Adieu I c e l a n d i s sti l l trying t o r e c o v e r f r o m t h e very expected bankruptcy of WOW air earlier this year. The summer high season for tourism is draw- ing to a close and the data is start- ing to trickle in. And it’s mixed. A report released by Arion Bank this month shows in black and white the impact that WOW’s fall had on the tourism sector. There has been a 17% reduction of tourists to Iceland in just four months. At the same time, the figures show that tourist that still choose to come to Iceland are spending more money than ever before. Perhaps that’s not a surprise, as WOW Air was offering such low- cost airfare that they were prac- tically paying bargain-hunting passengers to fly with them. No wonder they crashed right on the nose in April and filed for bank- ruptcy after a tedious and very public financial struggle. Analysts think Iceland’s tour- ism numbers will rebound, but slowly—a 2% increase in tour- ists is forecasted for next year, so our troubles are far from over. In this odd landscape, we have seen ambitious plans to restore the fallen airline. The most promising replacement now is probably WAB Air, which is run by former key staff from WOW Air. The other possibility is a little more dubious, with the arms dealer formerly known as Michele Ballarin, buying up all WOW’s assets and is aiming to be up and running in October. We say “good luck,” but hope at the same time that financiers and CEOs approach this market with much more restraint and caution than their predecessors—one bad apple means a lot of people losing their jobs, and even affecting the whole economy in a way that no one can afford. VG EDITORIAL The Race For A New Airline COVER PHOTO: Magnús Andersen Magnú Styling and props: Ólöf Rut Stefánsdóttir Make up: Fjóla Valdís Bjarnadóttir Clothes from: Wasteland Reykjavik 45: BioBorgari Saves The World 46: Iceland On The Cheap 48: Hunting Snorri Sturluson (Again) Special thanks to: Garðyrkjudeild Landbúnaðarháskóla Íslands For more information and bookings: +354 519 1616 +354 760 1000 Breathtaking Experience is a A journey into ARHÓLSHELLIRRAUF The highlight of our Iceland trip! Reviewed on TripAdvisor
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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