Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 14
In the past decade, the fjords of Iceland have been the site of a gold rush as ambitious promoters have rushed to draw up plans and apply for permits to fill every fjord to capacity with open pen salmon farms. The industry has been booming, its growth rate exceed- ing even that of tourism. For scale: tourism, which many in Iceland feel has been growing too fast for its environmental and economic impact to be evaluated, causing exces- sive stress on Iceland‘s fragile nature, grew nearly five-fold between 2008 and 2018. At the same time, the output of farmed salmon ballooned from just 292 tons to 13,448–a staggering 45-fold increase. According to plans outlined by the industry, the salmon party is just start- ing. Applications have been filed for farms with a capacity totaling 130,000 tons of salmon and further plans are already being discussed. The Icelan- dic Marine andFreshwater Research Institute, which conducts risk assess- ments for aquaculture in Icelandic waters, has thrown some cold water on these plans, capping the capacity of fjords where aquaculture is permitted at 71,000 tonnes. Since a number of fjords have yet to be assessed, that total will likely increase. Green or not so green The website of Icelandic Aquaculture, the primary lobbying group of the industry, claims that the industry is the most environmentally friendly food producing industry in the world and promotes salmon as the green, or rather pink, alternative to both white or red meat. The carbon footprint of each kilogram of salmon is 2.5 kg of CO2, less than a tenth of the carbon footprint of beef and half of that of chicken. Industry spokesmen claim the environmental impact is minimal, which has quite a lot of appeal to many Icelanders who have grown increas- ingly apprehensive about further expansion of hydropower or geother- mal to power energy- intensive industries, and are concerned about the potential environmental impact of tourism. Meanwhile, environ- mentalists and conser- vationists have sounded the alarm. Salmon farming in open sea pens is a far cry from being envi- ronmentally friendly or sustainable according to Jón Kaldal of the Iceland Wildlife Fund, a nature conservatory founded in 2017 to protect wild salmon populations. “When we look at the various ecological impacts, industrial- scale ocean aquaculture has, and all the risks associated with salmon farming in open sea pens, it is nothing short of baffling people are willing to make this gamble. The industry is a ticking ecological time-bomb.” Mountains of waste Open sea pens are simply floating cages made of nylon nets, anchored to the seafloor and held afloat by plas- tic buoys. The cages, which can each contain up to 200,000 fish who stay in the pens for up to three years, allow any waste to flow freely into the ocean. The waste descends to the seafloor where mounds of uneaten fish feed, faecal matter, rotting remains of dead fish and pesticides used to kill para- sites all pile up beneath the pens. “If we use the conservative Norwe- gian estimate, rather than the figures from the PR material of Icelandic salmon farmers, we can see that salmon farming is a polluting industry which places enormous stress on the ocean,” Jón tells me. I f current plans for farms producing 71,000 t o n s a r e r e a l - ized the industry would produce as much sewage as 1,136,000 people, more than three times the entire p o p u l a t i o n o f Iceland. Jón points out that while a l l m u n i c i p a l sewage and waste from farming or other food produc- tion on land, including land-based aquaculture, must be treated before it’s released to the ocean, waste from open sea pens are exempt from such requirements. “They just dump all of this into the sea, as if the oceans were bottomless garbage and waste dumps. Which they aren‘t.” Loss of genetic diversity Research has found that two thirds of Norwegian salmon stocks show signs of interbreeding with farmed salmon. Conservationists fear that the same will happen in Iceland if the indus- try continues to expand. If plans for 71,000 tons of salmon farming are realized, 30 million fertile farmed fish will be in open net cages in Icelandic waters. According to Norwegian esti- mates 0.2% of salmon in open sea pens escapes, or one salmon for every ton of farmed salmon. At first glance such figures don‘t seem very dramatic, but it means that we can expect 71,000 salmon escaping from the cages, many of whom would end up swimming into Icelandic rivers where they will spawn. For comparison, the spawning stock of wild Icelandic salmon is believed to count 50,000 fish. Creating jobs by destroying them elsewhere The survival of the wild salmon stocks of Iceland is not only an environmental question, Jón stresses. It is also a ques- tion of the livelihood of thousands of Icelandic farmers and a large and thriv- ing sports fishing industry which is a crucial pillar of many rural communi- ties. Some 1,800 farms receive income from renting angling rights for salmon and trout. According to a report by Economists at the University of Iceland the angling industry generates 1,200 full-time jobs. “The spokesmen of sea pen farmers argue that the industry is crucial for creating jobs, a mantra which is then faithfully repeated by the politicians. But this promised job creation comes at the cost of other jobs in the tourism industry and the livelihood of thou- sands of people in rural communities. It’s a terrible economic policy to create jobs in one place by destroying them in another. Ironically we might not even be creating any jobs,” Jón adds. ”Grow- ing automation in the sea pen industry will likely make this even worse.” Jón expresses hope that the poli- ticians can be pressured to see the environmental and economic logic of protecting the wild salmon. “I have nothing against aquaculture. But it has to be done in a way that doesn’t endan- ger or destroy nature and animal life. Salmon can be farmed sustainably in closed systems on land.” Dubai of the north Jón argues that Iceland has perfect conditions for land-based aquacul- ture. “But it eats into the profits of the salmon farming companies and requires a significant investment, which they are unwilling to make. The industry is focused on fast profit. And t h e p o l i t i c i a n s have played along, relaxing regula- tions, weakening oversight and even offering finan- c i a l i n c en t i v e s to encourage the industry.” There is some- thing eerily famil- iar with this story. A similar story could be told of the great boom industry of the late 90s and 2000s: The financial sector. When the headlong rush by politicians and reck- less investors focused on short term gain and any cost, and their dream of making Iceland a “Dubai of the North” came to a crash in 2008 it took down with it the Icelandic economy. We can only hope that the salmon farm- ing boom does not end in a similar crash, the collapse of the wild Icelandic salmon. “We’re sacrificing the lives of the next generation for our own. Not even for survival but for comfort.” Open fish farms, seen from above. Toxic waste not pictured. Words: Magnús Sveinn Helgason Photos: Screenshot "Under The Surface" 14 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16— 2019News A Pink, But Toxic Gold-Rush The controversial salmon farming industry
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