Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 37

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 37
Our Picks 37The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16— 2019 Art Listings Events are listed by venue. For complete listings and detailed information on venues, visit Send your listings to: Opening REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Encounters - Nordic Photography Beyond Borders The exhibition includes photograph- ic- and videoworks by five Nordic contemporary photographers/ artists: Bára Kristinsdóttir (Iceland) Johannes Samuelsson (Sweden) Miia Autio (Finland) Nanna Debois Buhl (Denmark) and Sandra Mujinga (Norway) • Opens on September 14th. 2019 • Runs until 12.01.2020 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - ÁSMUNDARSAFN Helgi Gíslason: Where The Boundaries Lie Helgi Gíslason presents a series of sculptures from different periods of his career. In his work, Helgi deals with man and the human condi- tion. His works, though, are up for interpretation. • Opens on August 31st, 2019 • Runs until November 3rd, 2019 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUMS Autumn Bulbs The Reykjavík Art Museums—all of them—present a special exhibition outside the walls of the museum. Public art, in the public domain, which focuses on intangible media and manifestation. • Opens on September 7th, 2019 • Runs until September 29th. 2019 Ongoing NATIONAL GALLERY OF ICELAND Treasures Of A Nation A selection of over 80 works chosen from the national gallery’s collection displays the evolution of art since the 19th century. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 EINAR JÓNSSON MUSEUM Permanent Exhibition The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist’s sculptures. LISTHÚS ÓFEIGS Pétur Halldórsson Eitthvað úr Ísskápnum, NÚLLIÐ NA RFI Sept 14 to October 9 • Runs from Sept 13 to Sept 15 REYKJAVÍK CITY MUSEUM Settlement Sagas As Viking ruins meet digital technol- ogy, this exhibition provides insight into Reykjavík's farms at the time of the first settlers. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - ÁSMUNDARSAFN Ásmundur Sveinsson: Under the Same Sky - Art In Public Space Ásmundarsafn is named after sculp- tor Ásmundur Sveinsson. This new permanent exhibition presents the artist in a new light. What dialogue does his works provoke? • Runs until December 31st, 2019 REYKJAVÍK MUSEUM OF PHOTOGRAPHY Encounters - Nordic Photography Beyond Borders The exhibition includes photograph- ic- and videoworks by five Nordic contemporary photographers/ artists: Bára Kristinsdóttir (Iceland) Johannes Samuelsson (Sweden) Miia Autio (Finland) Nanna Debois Buhl (Denmark) and Sandra Mujinga (Norway) • Runs until 12.01.2020 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND Myth Of A Woman Agnieszka Sosnowska immigrated to Iceland 13 years. With her photographs, she documents herself, her students, new family members, and friends. Her inspiration is the strength of the female spirit. • Runs until September 1st, 2019 Life, as it is lived, before the transformation In stark black and white, Yrsa Roca Fannberg captured life in Árneshreppur, the smallest parish in Iceland. Crisp and unrelenting, the photos capture the symbiotic relationship between man, animal and dirt. • Runs until September 1st, 2019 REYKJAVÍK MARITIME MUSEUM Fish & Folk Name a better duo than fish and Iceland. You can’t. So come learn about the history of Icelandic fisheries from rowing boats to monstrous motor boats. Melckmeyt 1659 Melckmeyt was a Dutch merchant ship that crashed near Flatey Island in 1659. Explore the wreck here. REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - HAFNARHÚS Erró: Mao's World Tour Between 1972 and 1980, Erró painted over 130 paintings, with two images of different origins against each other: Chinese propaganda posters of Mao Zedong and Western tourist pictures from famous sites. • Runs until January 5th, 2020 D39 Emma Heiðarsdóttir: Margin In her first solo exhibition, Emma Heiðarsdóttir questions when and where the art experience begins and ends. Her works deal with site- specific interventions, three-dimen- sional objects, and visuals. • Runs until September 22nd, 2019 SIGURJÓN ÓLAFSSON MUSEUM Connections To celebrate the 13th anniversary of the museum, this exhibition presents 13 artists in dialogue with Sigurjón and his art. • Runs until October 6th, 2019 MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ART MORRA Fashion designer Signý Þórhallsdóttir takes over the lobby to work with Icelandic flora on silk and paper for her MORRA collection. • Runs until September 25th, 2019 Behind The Scenes: Archiving A Ceramic Collection In 1979, Anna Eyjólfsdóttir began to collect ceramic pieces by Icelandic artists. In 2017, the Museum of aquired her collection. Currently, the museum is cataloguing the collection in front of your eyes. • Runs until September 25th, 2019 NORDIC HOUSE Porcelain Souls Photographer Inuuteq Storch went through his parents' archives and found photos and letters from their lives in Greenland and Denmark in the '60s and '80s. Explore them here. • Runs until September 26th, 2019 REYKJAVÍK ART MUSEUM - KJARVALSSTAÐIR Jóhannes S. Kjarval: Can't Draw a Harebell Here, explore the floral works of Jóhannes S. Kjarval, after whom the museum is named. Be it ornamental plants, potted plants, or wildflowers, you'll find it all. • Runs until December 31st, 2019 William Morris: Let Beauty Rule! English artist William Morris was a true Icelandophile, and even translated the Sagas. Here, see original drawings of Morris’s patterns, wallpapers and work processes, paintings, drawings, and more. • Runs until October 6th, 2019 GERÐARSAFN KÓPAVOGUR ART MUSEUM Just drink tea performance by Dawn Nilo. Free event in English. Register at Just Drink Tea is a radical act of hyper moments; a ceremony that celebrates the sensual human experience. It seeks to elevate the word just to imply the complexity of something greater that can be found in the simplicity of being. Guests will serve each other tea in a series of deepening rounds of poetic and sensual soul exercises. 22. September 1 5 p.m. REYKJAVÍK CITY LIBRARY | GERÐUBERG CULTURE HOUSE Open and informal reading circle with Ós Pressan September 18th Gerðuberg Culture House • Once a month 7:30-9:00 PM Women‘s Story Circle | Music Work- shop with Magga Stína & Sigrún Reykjavík City Library | Gerduberg Culture House • Every Saturday from 21 September – 19 October at 13.00 – 15.00 ÁRBÆR OPEN AIR MUSEUM HEIMAt: Two Worlds To mark the 70th anniversary of the arrival in 1949 of a group of Germans to who travelled to Iceland aboard the Esja ship, this exhibition presents photographs of their journey made by Marzena Skubatz. • Runs until October 31st, 2019 RÝMD GALLERY It’s so nice to see you Atli Pálsson, Ongoing • Runs until September 1st, 2019 LIVING ART MUSEUM Artist Talk Karl Ómarsson in conversation with Anna Líndal, 14.09.2019 kl. 15:00 REYKJAVÍK ROASTERS í kring 03 A collection of short stories. A mish- mash of pictures. A zine. Journey to all three Reykjavík Roasters loca- tions and you’ll experience all of this in Kári Björn’s three-part exhibition. • Runs until October 9th, 2019 HAFNARBORG Everything At The Same Time In this exhibit, explore how young artists take on and contront the freedom in contemporary visual arts. How can one extract meaning from that which can mean any- thing? • Runs until October 20th, 2019 LIVING ART MUSEUM Artist Talk Karl Ómarsson in conversation with Anna Líndal, 15:00 14th September 2019 I8 Late Summer Show Margrét H. Blöndal, Ásgerður Búadót- tir, Eyborg Guðmundsdóttir, Kristín Jónsdóttir Frá Munkaþverá, Arna Ót- tarsdóttir, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Karin Sander, Júlíana Sveinsdóttir • 22 August - 12 October 2019 September 13th—September 26th Symposium – Free event in English 21st of September 2p.m. - 5 p.m. - Gerðarsafn Lots of tiny people – spirituality in arts with JBK Ransu (IS), Silvana Gabrielli (IT/CH), Walter Kugler (CH) and Johannes Nilo (SE/CH). Intro- ductions in the form of lectures and discussion on the topic of the exhibition, Spirituality in Arts, in relation to the works of Gerður Helgadóttir, Hilma af Klint, and Rudolf Steiner. The sym- posium will take an excursion into theme within the context of con- temporary art and art practice. Talks will be held in English, everyone is welcome. WE RUINED EVERYTHING September 6th- 19th - Listastofan Alas, Listastofan is closing. They’re capping off their influential run with one last hurrah entitled ‘WE RUINED EVERYTHING.’ The exhibit features eight Icelandic artists mulling the theme of destruc- tion with absurd humour. Burn the place down. HJC MOTHER & CHILD Until September 29th - Kling & Bang This exhibit turns the floor into a ceiling. A figura- tive life-sized bronze statue lies upside-down, permitting the viewer to subvert their gaze and see the world from a new direc- tion. Basically like entering ‘Stranger Things.’ HJC Icelandic Cornershops Until November 5th - Reykjavík Museum of Pho- tography In the mid-80s, small shops were on every street corner, serving as social centres, where people gathered to chat, catch up, and exchange news. This exhibit cel- ebrates that lost piece of history. HJC Garðatorg 1· Garðabær Open Tue - Sun 12 -17 Exhibitions: Urban Shape Paolo Gianfrancesco Behind the Scenes Archiving a ceramic collection Morra Signý Þórhallsdóttir Designer in residence
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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