Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 13

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 13
reflected by price. “Sometimes there were good reasons for price increases, but the business was not run as effi- ciently as it could have been.” He went on to say that he can’t make any prom- ises about cutting the price for the post. However, he is willing to prom- ise that they will give back the value for money by raising the service. He also said that as soon as his team get the post into profit, he is sure they will have enough leverage for them to decrease prices. “To be honest that will be a big reward for me and my team, because that will mean we did a good job of turning the company around.” He says, smiling, “I really hope we can meet in 12 months time and we can talk about lower prices.” What took so long? Birgir met with Hanna Katrín Friðriksson, along with the chairman and the vice-chairman of the board, on September 2nd, in front of the Trans- port and Communi- cations Committee. Hanna asked, essen- tially, what took the post office so long to make these changes. “I can’t answer that. I don’t know. I’ve been there for three m o n t h s ,” B i r g i r says. “I can say we are doing it now.” He smiles. The general audi- t o r o f t h e s t a t e released a report in June, which shined a light over the past problems and issues with the post office. Birgir found this report help- ful, because it highlighted a number of areas that needed improvement. So he devised a plan to fix the areas that the report highlighted. However, he still has to contend with the free market. “It is changing a lot over the first of January because we are losing our monopoly,” he says, referring to legis- lation that recently passed. Birgir says that his official position on this legis- lation is neutral. “If the state wants to pull the company out of the competi- tion market, then it’s fine by me.” The future The post office doesn’t have a lot of time. “We are almost technically bankrupt,” Birgir says, adding that the state gave the company about 1.5 billion ISK which will have to get them through this year. After that, they have to stand on their own feet. In that timeframe, he hopes that people will see and appreciate the changes he imple- m e n t s . “ I t w i l l always be too slow, and we will never be good enough, but I hope people will see progress.” As for the business side, he is optimistic. “I’m pretty sure we will be operating with a profit next year, based on the restructuring programs. I think the main business of the Icelandic post is the parcel business. So I think the focus is going to be on that for a while.” Hopefully, one day that means no more paying ridiculous fees. PREMIUM WHALE WATCHING September 10:00, 13:00, 15:00 October 10:00, 14:00 Price: 21.990 ISK #WHALESAFARI • #THEULTIMATEWHALEWATCHING • #CLOSERTONATURE +354 497 0000 • INFO@WHALESAFARI.IS • WHALESAFARI.IS “AMAZING EXPERIENCE 10/10, WOULD BOOK AGAIN!” “THE COOLEST EXPERIENCE IN ICELAND!!” 2018 CERTIFCATE of EXCELLENCE P R E M I U M WHALE WATCHING TOURS 13 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16— 2019 “The good thing about this industry is that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We just have to look at other countries and do what they’re doing.” Sending some expensive mail
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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