Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 40

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.09.2019, Blaðsíða 40
40The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 16— 2019Music Dancer and playwright Selma Rey- nisdóttir’s show, ‘Independent Party People’ is currently running at Tjarnarbíó. To celebrate, we sat down with Selma to find out what made her the artist she is today. My sister I think the first appreciation of art I experienced was when my sister and her friends got into Blur. Damon Albarn was who they were mostly into. They were always asking me questions like: Who is the cutest? And I always had to an- swer: Damon Albarn. I was five and thought they were acting stupid and promised myself never to act this stupid about any boy. Every time I hear “Girls and Boys,” I can see the CD case lying on our living room floor: The dogs rac- ing, going somewhere but nowhere. I think the cover is a good metaphor to the Blur mania I witnessed. It came into my life like someone had released a pair of race dogs into our house, but as soon as they had run over every chair in the house they were gone and me and my sister moved on with our lives like noth- ing had happened. I go through something similar when I am really into a project. The project becomes like two race dogs; running and knocking down all the furniture. The only thing you can do is to focus on the dogs while they are there. Dogs I love dogs. The relationship be- tween human and dog goes far back and is complex. It can be beautiful at times, but also disturbing. One of my favourite books is ‘Timbuktu’ by Paul Auster, a story told by the dog Mr. Bones. I am also a big fan of the movie ‘Best in Show.’ At the moment, I am looking into Amund- sen’s expedition to the South Pole from the sledge dogs’ point of view. Feel Free by Zadie Smith I have kept this book close to me since this spring. The book is a collection of her essays that range from the topic of Brexit to dance lessons for writers. Usually when I read, I read with my brain and the activity of reading keeps within our social construct of dualism. I read while my body lies or sits still. But when I read this book my body is active. Not only is it because some of her essays describe how humans move their body through the so- cial-political landscape, but also because of the rhythm in the text itself. Blood Orange I once read it in an interview that Blood Orange doesn’t want people to immediately like his music; he’d rather they be intrigued. I think that is really cool and I like the thought of people not liking your stuff immediately. If I like some- thing immediately things don’t stay with my thoughts as much, then I just put them straight away to the “I like this” category. But if I am intrigued first, then I get to develop my love for the music or whatever I am intrigued by. And also Dev Hynes’ dog is named after his album, ‘Cupid.’ How do people get their moves?! Those who share the dance floor with me give me a lot of inspira- tion. Lately, I have been wonder- ing how people stylise their move- ments, especially in Iceland where dance is not a part of the culture. How do people develop their per- sonal dancing style? When I go out dancing I see so many great danc- ers, and I keep wondering how they developed their personal dance style. Have they practised at home? Are they influenced by someone? MAKING OF AN ARTIST Life Is Like A Pair Of Race Dogs Selma tells us about dogs, Sadie Smith and the mysterious origin of dance moves Words: Selma Reynisdóttir Photo: Art Bicnick Dancer and playwright Selma Reynisdóttir shares her secrets
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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