Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Blaðsíða 20
tion is therefore likely to occur, and sonie
types of markings which should rightly
liave been classified as a separate group
may have been overlooked and put into a
related group. This was not easy to avoid,
as it was deemed necessary to keep the
nurnber of classes down, if any picture at
all was to emerge about frequencies of dif-
ferent types of markings and their inherit-
In order to develop a system for the
description of white markings, the de-
scriptions given by Pálsson (1944) were
taken as a starting point. The nanres and
descriptions given there refer to the mark-
ings on the whole animal. Some of the
names, however, refer to jrhenotypes where
the markings occur only on the head,
others to phenotypes witlr markings only
on the feet, and still others to phenotypes
with nrarkings on head and neck, and so
On the basis of the descriptions and
names of these phenotypes a new set of
definitions for white markings was nrade,
where each new definition was named and
defined as referring only to a basic type
of white markings on a definite part of
the animal. Some aninrals will show white
markings which combine two or three of
these basic types of nrarkings, and by de-
fining each one separately, a coding system
was built up which took into account the
occurrence of several basic types of white
nrarkings on the animal.
The basic types of nrarkings as defined
in this systern are given below with their
Icelandic nanres and an English transla-
tion of those nanres, together with a de-
scription of the distribution of white co-
lour on the animal due to each basic type
of nrarkings.
It should be noted that the Icelandic
names are adjectives, while nouns are used
in tlre English translation.
The above definitions were used for
developing a numerical code for the de-
scription of wlrite markings, which is as
00: no white markings visible (or detect-
able, if the sheep are white)
10: dark eyerings
11: dark eyerings and patches
12: dark eyerings and spots
13: dark eyerings and drops
20: dark head
21: dark head and patches
22: dark head and spots
23: dark head and drops
24: dark clreeks
25: dark cheeks ancl patches
26: dark cheeks and spots
27: dark cheeks and drops
28: Jacob’s markings
30: clark cheeks and collar
31: dark cheeks and collar and patches
32: dark clreeks and collar and spots
40: hood, no head spot
41: hood with head spot or nose spot or
42: hood and blaze
43: liood with patches, no head spot
44: hood with patches ancl head spot or
nose spot or botlr
45: hood with patches and blaze
46: hood with spots, no heacl spot
47: hood witlr spots and head spot or nose
spot or both
48: hood with spots, with blaze
50: hood and cloak, without head spot
51: hood and cloak with head spot or
nose spot or both
52: hood and cloak witlr blaze
53: coat without lread spot
54: coat with head spot or nose spot or
55: coat with blaze
56: coat with white flanks, without head
57: coat with white flanks, witlr head spot
or nose spot or both