Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 76

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1970, Page 76
74 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR TABLE 36 Least squares estirnates of effect of colour genotypes of ewes and rarns on number of lambs per mating Estimated deviations of Genotype of parent Ewes Rams No. of matings Among all White vs. nonwhite No. of matings Among all White vs. nonwhite 1. Three year old ewes. Overall mean (unadjusted) = 1.282 Ai— 1816 - 0.077 942 0.011 AiAi 599 -0.019 AiAj, i 1 208 - 0.028 518 0.033 White 2024 - 0.088 2059 0.016 Nonwhite 412 0.105 0.088 377 - 0.025 -0.016 2. Four year old ewes. Overall mean (unadjusted) = 1.370 Ai— 1459 - 0.074 783 0.028 AiAi 512 0.000 AiAj, i^l 243 -0.003 414 - 0.006 White 1702 -0.067 1709 0.013 Nonwhite 309 0.077 0.067 302 - 0.022 -0.013 comparable estimates in table 32. Tliis is to be expected when it is considered tliat the ram genotypes were not taken into account in table 32, and it is seen from table 34 that they may have inflated the estimates in table 32. The effect of colour genotype of the rams on number of lambs per ewe lamb- ing in tabie 34 is not significant. It is noticeable, however, that the estimated de- viations for rams have the sarne sign as those for the ewes, but their magnitude is less. As regards the effect of colour genotypes of ewes and rams on number of lambs per mating, several points of interest emerge from tables 34—37. Tlie effect of allele At in ewes is almost the same as that found with respect to number of lambs per ewe lambing, which indicates that the effect of the allefe is operating at a very early stage of gestation, because a refatively high pro- portion of the matings resulting in no lamb is due to return of the ewe on heat. Among matings with known genotypes at the A-locus, 183 matings resulted in no lamb. Of these, 112 or 61.2 per cent, were due to ewes coming back on heat, while 47 ewes aborted and 24 were barren. If this failure to conceive was unaffected by the A^-allele, one woulcl have expected a great- er discrepancy than that observed between the estimated deviations for wliite antl non- white ewes in part 1 and 2 of table 34. It is seen frorn table 35 that the colour genotype of the ram has a significant effect
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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