Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Qupperneq 76

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Qupperneq 76
ÍSL. LANDBÚN. J. AGR. RES. ICEL. 1978 10,2: 74-99 An evaluation of two tagging methods and survival rates of diíferent age and treatment groups of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon smolts ÁRNI ÍSAKSSON Inslilule of Freshwaler Fisheries, Reykjavík. and PETER K. Bergman I Vashiuglon Deparlmenl of Fisheries, Olympia, Washington. ABSTRACT 'i'hc cxpcrimcnis wcrc conductcd during thc 1974 and 1975 tagging scasons. Returns from smolts of the Atlantic salmon, wltich had bccn microtaggcd, wcrc contparcd to thc rcturns of smolts tagged with Carlin tags. Microtaggcd sntolls ltad considcrahh highcr survival ratc and onh a fractional tag loss compared wilh thc Carlin-taggcd smolts. Carlin lags impaircd occanic growth. There is an indication thal thc incrcasc in survival ratc witli sizc ofsmolts, oftcn found willt Carlin tags, is an artifact of the tag. Diffcrcnt rclcasc linics wcrccomparcd and rclcascs in latcjunc appcarcd tobemorc favorablc-a statement wich cannot bc gencralizcd for othcr ycars. Sonic dilfcrcnccs wcrc notcd in lavourablc relcase timc between diflcrcnt smolt groups, dcpcnding on thc cxposurc to hcatcd watcr iu thc spring. INl RODUCTION Extensive experimentation involving smolt tagging has been conducted at the Kollafjördur Experimental Fish Farnt in Iceland. A review of the facilities and tagging experiments is presented by Guð- jónsson (1972) and Ísaksson (1976). Most of the tagging experiments have been car- ried out, using Carlin or Plastic tags. These are external dangler-type tags which have been shown to have consid- erable negative effect on survival (Ísaksson, 1976). It is therefore of great importance to ftnd a salmon tag which does not affect the survival of the ftsh and can be economically applied to great number of smolts. The purpose of the pre- sent experiment is to determine whether the microtag of Jefferts et al. (1963), which has been used extensively for simi- lar purposes with Pacific salmon (On- corhynchus sp.). is better than the conven- tional tags used for Atlantic salmon, with respect to survival, tag retention, and gen- eral applicability.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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