Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Side 91

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Side 91
AN EVALUATION OF TWO TAGGING METHODS 89 large male smolts if mature, may not want to leave freshwater, which magniíies the number of females returning as grilse. Since the 1-year-photoperiod smalts do not have an abnormally high male ratio compared to the other smolt groups, the weight differences in Fig. 7 are unaílected by sex ratio. Tag Retention. The tag loss af the dangler tags was meas- ured by double tagging with dangler tags and microtags. This phase was not in- tended for microtag loss because the mic- rotag procedure using an adipose clip with each microtag inherently provides a dou- ble tag scheme, which in this instance in- volved far greater numbers than the Car- lin double-tagging and thus a potentially more effective measure. The tag loss for microtags was originally designed to be measured by addition of a ventral fin clip to a microtag in case erosion of adipose fins on untagged fish would eliminate use of untagged adipose-clipped adults as a measure of microtag loss. This scheme was abandoned when it turned out that the 2-year-outdoor smolts used in the ex- periment had badly frayed, sometimes missing ventrals, but few adipose fins were eroded. It also turned out that the ventrals had varying degrees of regeneration from no fin to an almost complete one. Tag loss for microtags was finally achieved by counting the number of adipose-clipped salmon returning without a tag. The tag loss information is shown in Table 2. We see that the tag loss of Carlin tags averages about 10% but has a very wide confidence band due to a small number returning. The tag loss for plastic tags atlached with polyethylene thread is twice as high as for the Carlin tags, averaging about 25%. These tags have only been used once in Iceland (Isaksson, 1976), al which time they gave very satisfactory results. They have been extensively used in other con- tries such as Canada, Britain'and Ireland. In the present experiment they were calib- rated only with microtags. Microtag loss for both years is about 1.7%. This is a very low tag loss and is consistent with the tag loss for Paciíic sal- mon reported by Jefferts et. al. (1963) for Pacific salmon. It must be kept in mind, although we have no data in this instance, that the adopose fin is sometimes missing on salmon from natural causes. Also, adipose-clipped salmon were released into salmon rivers less than 50 miles away from the Fish Farm, and straying is known to occur. Consequently, these tag loss figures for microtags must be considered as maximums. The tag loss studies for dangler tags were intended to allow calibration of the tags in order to adjust previous experi- ments. This may not be possible with ac- curacy due to wide confidence bands, but nevertheless it has been shown that tag loss is an important factr in any tagging experiment with dangler tags. COMPARISONS OF TIME AND LO- CATION OF SMOLT RELEASE AT KOLLAFJÖRDUR FISH FARM Along with the test of the microtag versus other tagging techniques, it was decided to use the microtag on a large scale as a 12
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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