Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Síða 143

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Síða 143
ISL. LANDBÚN. J. AGR. RES. ICEL. 1978 10,2: 141-155 Hydroacouslic assessment of the lake Thingvallavatn and lake Skorradalsvatn fish populations Edmund p. Nunnallee College of Fisheries, Universily of Washinglon, Sealtle, Washinglon and Jón KristjAnsson Inslilule of Freshwaler Fisheries, Reykjavík ABSTRACT A hydroacoustic survey was made of pelagic lish populations in lakes Thingvallavatn and Skorradalsvatn. Estimates were made of total number of targets at both places, but lack of fishing capabilities prevented a direct signature of the targets. They are known to consisl cxclusively or predominantly of char (Salvelinus alpinus). IXTRODUCTION Hydroacoustic surveys oí Thingvallavatn and Skorradalsvatn were completed dur- ing the nights of August 27 and September 1, respectively (Fig. 1). Experimental transects were made during both the day- time and nigthtime prior to the surveys to determine the diel movements of the fish. It was found that during the day the fish formed small, tight schools from 20 to 40 m deep, making it impossible to determine the numbers in any school. During the nighttime, however, the schools dis- pcrsed, and nearly all ofthe deteclable fish were scattered throughout the water col- umn, mostly at depths from 10-25 m. Prior to this first survey of Thingvalla- vatn, nothing was known of the areal or depth distributions of the fish or of what densities they would be found. Therefore, an exploratory survey was designed by allocating equal sampling effort to all areas of the lake. This was done by trans- ecting across the long axis of the lake with approximately equal spacing between each transect. In all, five crossings were made, as shown in Fig. 2. The highest fish densities were found near the northern and southern ends of the lake, with lower densities in the central part. The survey of Skorradalsvatn was also exporatory and the same type of sampling design was used as in Thingvallavatn. In all, six transects were run across the long axis of the lake, progressing from the west-
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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