Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Síða 146

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1978, Síða 146
144 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR ern to the castern cnd. High densilies of (ish were lound in all parts of the lake, with the highest heing in a dcep part near the western end (transcct 2). A map showing the transect courses is shown in Fig. 3. Magnetic ttipe recordings were made of both surweys. ANALYSIS OF RECORDED HYD- ROACOUS'I IC DA FA Onc form of analysis of recorded hyd- roacoustic data consisls of four major parts: counting of detections, estimation of effcclive sampling volumcs, ftsh density calculations, and estimation ofítsh popu- lalions. 'l'he íirst two parts are done by viewing thc recorded echosoundings on an oscilloscope and by physictdly counting fish detections, while the last two parls are calculated from the counts. I’lie techniques used to estimate flsli popula- tions have been rcported thoroughh elsewhere (Nunnallee and Mathisen 1972a. Nunnallee and Mathisen 1972b . NunnalleecI al. 1973 . Nunnallee 1974a . Nunnallee 1974b). A briefoutline of the procedure is given in the next several scc- tions. COUNTING OF FISH DETECTIONS The basic method of counling echo re- turns from fish is to play the recorded echo soundings and to display them on an os- cilloscope where individual fish detections can be counted within any desired depth interval. Depth is proportional to the elapsed time after the transmitted pulse when an echo of interest is detected (1.37 ms = 1 sonar meter). However, before echoes can bbe counted, a threshold must be calculated for all depths and only those echo amplitudes exceeding the threshold are counted. The intensity of sound per unit area is reduced by geomeiric spread- ing in proportion to the reciprocal of dept (1 /D); therefore, an echo return is prop- ortional to 1/D2. The time varied circuit (TVG) of the echo sounder acts to in- crease the sensitivity of the receixer in proportion to depth, but this is only halfof the total correction and the return from any specific target size will slill appear to decrease proporlional to 1/D. The count- ing threshold then is computed to repres- ent the theoretical echo amplitude from the smallest detectable target at the maximum depth of interest, if it were moved from thal depth to the surface. In this way, the counting threshold repres- ents a depth normalized minimum target amplilude sensitivity. Since thc threshold is based on the smallesl detectablc targct at the maximum depth of interest, it is necessary only to measure the peak vol- tage of the ambient noise at thatdepth and subslitute il into the following cquation. E. = threshold voltage D = depth (metérs or as ms) K = constant As an example, if the peak voltage of the ambient noise = 0,03 V at 50 m depth, then by substitution into equation 1, k = 1.5 and E. can then be found for all shal- lower depths. In practice, the counting threshold is scribed on clear plastic and placed over the oscilloscope screen.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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