Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Síða 14

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Síða 14
Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca 14 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15 May 2007 Everything you need to know about events across North America — come out and have fun! Send information to appear in the Calendar of Events to david@lh-inc.ca or fax to (204) 284-7099. Events must be typed out as they are to appear; please include date, place, time and other particulars. Print deadline is the Tuesday the week prior to the issue date. For more listings, visit our website at www.lh-inc.ca. Calendar of Events ARTS Until May 31 Toronto, ON: “Lumières” by Craig Koshyk and Fontana Swing. Painter Fontana Swing makes her photographic debut with a series that touches on magical realism: a world where pelicans wave, trees talk, and people are living paintings. Fellow artist Craig Ko- shyk presents a counterpoint: a series of im- ages reflecting an enduring fascination with the quintessential qualities of light. Through sheer curtains, across the wall, though the crack in a door, light enters his world, bring- ing promise of a new day. Curated by Katrina Anderson. Location: Marvellous Edibles, 120 Laird Dr. Wheelchair access. Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 10 p.m., Friday – Sat- urday 8:30 a.m. – 11 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Telephone: (416) 421 8228. EVENTS Saturday 16 June Markerville, AB: Icelandic Picnic / Íslend- ingamót. 12 noon: family program, races; 2 p.m.: community church celebration 3 p.m.: program: crowning of the Fjallkona; 5 p.m.: pot luck supper. All guests are to bring a salad or dessert. Bus in from Calgary: please call or e-mail Gwen Mann if you wish to ride to Markerville on the bus, (403) 242 9714 or lgmann@shaw.ca. Please call Gwen for more information. There is no charge for the bus. Sunday 17 June Victoria, BC: The Icelanders of Victoria Club hold their June 17 Picnic, 3 - 7 pm at the Ple- shaks’ home. Sunday 17 June Winnipeg, MB: Come and celebrate the 63rd anniversary of Iceland’s independence in the annual event organized by the Jon Sigurdsson Chapter IODE and the Icelandic Canadian Frón. Gather at the steps of the Manitoba Legislative Building to hear the Choir of the Free Church of Hafnarfjörður sing at 1:40 p.m, and take part in the pro- cession and wreath-laying ceremony at the statue at 2 p.m. The choir will then perform at the Winnipeg Art Gallery at 3:30 p.m. FESTIVALS June 22 – 24 Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN: Embark on a “Voyage of Discovery” at the 30th Annual Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival! Climb aboard an imaginary Viking ship and sail to all five Nordic countries — Denmark, Fin- land, Iceland, Norway and Sweden — where you can learn about modern Scandinavian cultures as well as deeply-rooted Nordic heritage and traditions. Take part in a feast of Nordic foods and sing or dance along with some of the most talented musicians in the world. Shop for unique Scandinavian arts and treasures in the Nordic Marketplace and take part in the Traditions Passport Discov- ery Tour! This year’s festival celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the sailing of the rep- lica viking ship Hjemkomst and Norwegian Expo 2007 with special programs highlight- ing both. Whether you are Nordic or not, the Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival is a great way to connect to the region’s Nordic roots. A Festival Pass is $10 per adult; youths 19 and under are free. Group rates are available in advance. For more information, contact (218) 299-5452, FMSHF@ci.moorhead.mn.us or visit www.ScandinavianHjemkomstFestival. org. August 3 – 5 Mountain, ND: August the Deuce Icelandic Celebration. For more information, visit www. august2nd.com/. LITERATURE Monday 28 May Toronto, ON: Marjorie Anderson, editor and publisher, and Katrina Anderson, crafter and compiler, will read from the book Blessed: Portrait of Asdis Sigrun Anderson at a launch from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Nicholas Hoare Books, 45 Front Street East, Toronto, ON. Thursday 31 May Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag, the Icelandic Reading Society, meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Icelandic Collection Seminar Room, 3rd floor, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Mani- toba. The group will be discussing Secrets From Gimli by Diane Alexander. Everyone welcome. Contact Linda at (204) 786-2190. Sunday 24 June Markerville, AB: The 2007 Poetry at Stephan’s House special event will be held at Stephansson House Provincial Historic Site. We are considering the possibility of doing workshops on Saturday and the public event on Sunday. For more information, please contact: Olga Fowler, phone (780) 427-1787 fax (780) 422-4288, website: www.cd.gov. ab.ca/sh MOVIES Until Saturday 9 June New York, NY: New films from Scandinavia continue with Denmark, Finland and Iceland Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays, 3 p.m. at Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue at 38th Street. Films from Iceland include Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson’s Thicker Than Water (Blóðbönd) Wednesday, 30 May at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday 2 June at 3 p.m.; and Ragnar Bragason’s Children (Börn) Wednesday, 6 June at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday 9 June at 3 p.m. Films are subtitled in English. Film tick- ets: $8 ($6 ASF members). ASF members only may make film reservations by calling (212) 847-9746. Advance tickets may be purchased at Scandinavia House, Monday – Saturday, 12 – 6 p.m. For more information, phone (212) 879-9779 or visit www.scandi- naviahouse.org. MUSIC Wednesday 23 May Ottawa, ON: Víkingur Ólafsson solo con- cert (rescheduled due to illness), Unitarian Church, 30 Cleary Ave. (on River Parkway), 7 p.m. Admission $15 adults $10 seniors/stu- dents. Tickets: judith.hoye@rogers.com. SPORTS Saturday 16 June Gimli, MB: Kvennahlaup (Women’s Walk) begins at the Pioneer Memorial Cairn in the Gimli Park. Come for 9:30 a.m. to pick up your T-shirt. The walk will start at 10 a.m. Participants should register by May 22. For more information contact Margaret Ker- nested in Winnipeg at (204) 667-4134, e- mail mkernested@mts.net. Cheques for the registration fee of $25 are to be made pay- able to Kvennahlaup Gimli and mailed care of Margaret Kernested, 54 Long Point Bay, Winnipeg, MB, R2C 4T8. Saturday 16 June Winnipeg, MB: The 5th annual Kvennahlaup (Women’s Walk). If you would like to par- ticipate in this event please contact Gunnvör Ásmundsson at (204) 284-1535 or Ainsley Bloomer at (204) 896-6706. Cost: $25. Call today if you are interested in participating as we need to order tee shirts and medals from Iceland. T-shirt size will be needed at the time of registration. Proceeds will go to Cancer- Care. We will meet by the Formal Gardens (South/East Gate) of Assiniboine Park. Registration 9 a.m., walk at 10 a.m. Medals given on completion. Water and snacks will be provided. Sunday 29 July Chicago, IL: The Greater Chicago Icelandic Open, 2007, 2 p.m., at Indian Boundary, the same course as last year, but a different day. Fee: $35 per person, including green fees and cart. We’ve reserved tee-times for 24 players, which will be the maximum number of participants in order to finish the tourna- ment around 4:30 and have time for food and drinks, and, of course, the award ceremony. We’ll have prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place; longest drive; closest to the pin; and more. Mail in your cheque today to secure your spot. Please make the cheque payable to the Icelandic Association of Chicago and send to: Larry Shaw, Treasurer IAC; 147 N. Buck- ingham Drive; Prestbury-Aurora, IL 60506. Icelandic for beginners Íslenska fyrir byrjendur by Helga Hilmisdóttir Department of Icelandic, University of Manitoba http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/icelandic No. 25 mánuður (-inn) ......................................month geisladiskur (-inn) .......................................CD heimsfræg .................................... world-famous söngkona (-n) ........... singer, referring to a woman sólóferill (-inn) .................................. solo career hljómsveit (-in) ......................................... band sykurmoli (-nn) .................................. sugarcube vinsæll ................................................. popular háskólastúdent (-inn) ...............university student heimur (-inn) ..........................................world út um allan heim ..................... all over the world svo sannarlega ......................................certainly stoltur .....................................................proud stórkostlegur ......................................... fabulous listamaður (-inn) .......................................artist tónlistarlíf (-ið) ............................... music scene náttúruverndarsinni (-nn) ......... environmentalist alls ekki .............................................. not at all stjórnmálamaður (-inn) ........................politician að benda á ...................................... to point out ósnortinn ..........................................untouched að eyðileggja ...................................... to destroy náttúra (-n) ............................................ nature hálendi (-ð) . the highland, middle part of Iceland Vocabulary Nouns (definite article in parenthesis) The Lögberg-Heimskringla 1. að vera úti að aka “to be out driving” 2. eitthvað liggur í augum uppi “something lies up in the eyes” 3. að vera einn á báti “to be alone on a boat” 4. að hafa bein í nefinu “to have a bone in the nose” 5. nú detta mér allar dauðar lýs úr höfði! “Now all the dead lice fall from my head” 6. að þurfa að bíta í það súra epli “to need to bite that sour apple” 7. áfram með smjörið! “go on with the butter!” 8. að vera með stjörnur í augum “to have stars in the eyes” Æfing/Exercise Answers: 1) b 2) c 3) a 4) g 5) e 6) f 7) h 8) d a. to be single, alone or by yourself b. to be absent-minded or not knowing what is happening c. something is obvious d. to be fascinated by some- one or something e. I am surprised! f. to have to accept some- thing as it is g. to be determined and able to stand for yourself h. continue! An idiom is an expression with figurative meaning that is known only through conventional use. In the text to the right, there are four examples of common Icelandic idioms: Idiom with literal translation Idiomatic meaning að koma einhverjum á kortið To make someone known “to put someone on the map” síðan hefur margt vatn runnið til sjávar Since then a long time has passed “since then a lot of water has run to the ocean” að vera lyftistöng fyrir einhvern To be a great asset for someone “to be a lever for someone” að tala fyrir daufum eyrum To speak when no one wants to “to speak for deaf ears” listen what you have to say Idioms: Nýr geisladiskur með Björk Í næsta mánuði kemur út nýr geisladiskur með Björk Guðmundsdóttur. Diskurinn heitir Volta og er sjötti diskur þessarar heimsfrægu söngkonu. Áður en Björk hóf sólóferil sinn var hún í ýmsum hljómsvei- tum, til dæmis í Sykurmolunum. Sykurmolarnir voru mjög vinsælir á meðal háskólastúdenta í Bandaríkjunum og sú hljómsveit kom bæði Björk og Íslandi á kortið. Síðan hefur mar- gt vatn runnið til sjávar og Björk er orðin vinsæl út um allan heim. Íslendingar mega svo sannarlega vera stoltir af Björk. Hún er stórkostlegur listamaður og hún hefur verið mikil lyftistöng fyrir íslenskt tón- listarlíf og menningu. Björk er mikill náttúruverndarsinni og hún er alls ekki ánægð með íslenska stjórnmálamenn í dag. Björk bendir á að á Íslandi sé stærsta ósnortna svæði Evrópu og að Íslendingar megi ekki eyðileggja nát- túruna og hálendið bara til þess að græða peninga. Margir Íslendingar eru sammála henni en náttúru- verndarsinnar tala oft fyrir daufum eyrum. New CD from Björk Next month a new CD from Björk Guð- mundsdóttir will be released. The CD is called Volta, and it is the sixth CD by this world-famous singer. Before Björk began her solo carrier, she sang in various bands, for example in The Sugar- cubes. The Sugarcubes were popular among univer- sity students in the USA, and that band placed both Björk and Iceland on the map. Since then, a long time has gone by, and Björk has become popular all around the world. Icelanders can cer- tainly be proud of Björk. She is a fabulous artist, and she has been a great asset for Icelandic music and culture. Björk is an environmentalist, and she is not at all pleased with Icelandic politicians today. Björk points out that Iceland has the biggest untouched area in Europe, and that Icelanders cannot de- stroy nature and the highland just to make money. Many Icelanders agree with her, but environmen- talists’ words often fall on deaf ears. Make pairs. Arts Events Festivals Literature Movies usic Sports



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