Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.2007, Side 188
GuSmundur Olafsson’s (GuSmundur has both made corrections to the
original headings and added new ones). The marginal annotations in
the first hånd are found only on the initial quartos, not on the folios
that follow.
In Section 7.1.5 I try to identify this scribe.
Hånd 2, Jon Eggertsson Apart from the beginning, which is writ-
ten in the first hånd, the main text in the whole of the rest of the
manuscript is written by Jon Eggertsson, who has also entered correc-
tions and various kinds of comments on the text. He writes words from
the text in the fraktur style, while he writes contemporary Icelandic in
Gothic cursive. His hånd is not found on the preceding quartos.
Jon Eggertsson clarifies several words, especially names blotted or
miswritten, for example arnpn (fol. 22v, HkrFJ I: 180), Palnatoki
(fol. 4ir, HkrFJ F. 319), par, liopo (fol. 25V, HkrFJ F. 204, 205), kona
(fol. 3ir, HkrFJ F. 249.5). He also corrects omissions, as on fol. 58V
(HkrFJ F. 423) and fol. 63V (HkrFJ F. 453). He often marks names
or other especially interesting information in the text and writes cap-
tions in the margin, marking for example place-names or summarising
information about places: Greenland, Iceland (fol. ii8r), the Faroes
(fol. n8r, 119V), Grimsey (fol. i8v), Bjarmaland (fol. I23r), Gandvik
(fol. 1249 HkrFJ IF. 296), Åin helga (fol. 145V, HkrFJ IF. 360), Vul-
garfa (fol. i68v, HkrFJ IF. 433), Barvik (fol. 1479 HkrFJ II: 366),
VeSurey, Smålqnd, Sarpsborg (fol. 1519 HkrFJ II: 379), scrattafcer
(fol. 519 HkrFJ I: 377), etc. In several places he marks personal names.
He is particularly attentive to information about legal matters, marking
Gu lapings Låg, Froftapingffi Låg, Heydf&viffLég (fol. 229 HkrFJ 1:182),
Heydftzvis Lag (fol. 1119 HkrFJ II: 237), and writing a longish annota-
tion on Swedish assemblies and the division of land (fol. 87V, HkrFJ II:
134). Examples of annotations to other interesting material are: Log-
boch su er Grågås neffnest (fol. 2129 HkrFJ III: 33), hier talar umm lenda