Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.2007, Page 223
7-i Jon Eggertsson group
case already gone to Sweden in 1681, but did however transcribe the
same text in Holm.papp.30 4to (Godel 1897-1900: 301-302).
Three of the students on the list are especially interesting because
they also had connections, in a different context, to Jon Eggertsson and
Swedish antiquarian activity. In Specimen biographicum de antiquariis
Svecidi Nicolai Dal mentions six people as Jon Eggertsson’s helpers
(Dal 1724: fol. Q2V—3r). They probably helped Jon in different ways
and were, since Dal mentions them, known in Sweden:
Magnus Benediktsson (travelled to Copenhagen with Jon
Eggertsson in 1683)
Isleifur I>orleifsson (Jon Eggertsson’s family tutor in Iceland)
Einar Einarsson
form). In 88 the letterjy is most often dotted, while this is seldom seen in 18(1).
Capital G in 18(1) and 37(1) Geyrstada has a rounded down-stroke on the left (18:
fol. ir 1.19,37: fol. ir 1. 9), 88 has a straight one in Gardariki (fol. lv 1.20). Fraklur-r
in 88 has a visible break between the down-stroke and the foot, as in befur (fol. lr
1.1). This is seldom seen in l8(l)/qy(l) (cf. for example her37(1)-. fol. ir 1.2). Insular
f occurs frequently in l8(l)/^y(l) but not in 88. On fol. lv in 88 cursive r is domi-
nant. The double stem of the r in 88 is clearly different from the double stem of the
cursive r we find in 18(1), where the down-strokes are uneven in length and doser
together. In 18(1) the right limb of h always continues below the base line both in
cursive and in fraklur. In Holm.papp. 56 fol Arngrimur always writes h on the base
line, and in 88 it continues under the line on the first page and sporadically on the
following ones, but the form is different from h in i8(l)/jy(i). The limb descends
vertically, while in i8(l)/jy(l) it leans slightly to the left. The left ascender is curved
in 88 in a loop to the right, while in i8(l)/jy(i) it has an upward stroke from the
left. In 88 all the high vowels in abbreviated inflections are expanded with u or i,
and the text is otherwise quite well normalised. I have not found any examples of
i written as a svarabhakti vowel by Arngrimur, as in l8(l)/^y(l). Both hånds are
relatively upright with slightly varying slants. The slant in Arngrimur’s hånd tends,
however, towards the left, while 18(1) tends towards the right. Arngrfmur’s hånd in
papp.y6fol is not quite as careful as in 88. It is also more unlike 18(1) and 37(1).