Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2021, Side 31

Reykjavík Grapevine - mar. 2021, Side 31
HORROR!SCOPES The Future Is ~Hazy~ Words: H!nn!h J!ne Cohen & Andie Sophi! Font!ine The Grapevine’s team of amateur astrologists journeys through the universe, enduring the angsty abyss of space every month just to bring you this short column. And no, we’re not paid in cash. We’re paid in gratitude... by the constel- lations... who apparently have a lot to say... And while every other Icelandic news source ignores them, we graciously open our mystical ears to the cosmos. Speak to us, Ophiuchus. *dramatic exit* Aries Name 10 female directors off the top of your head. Wow, you couldn’t? Disgusting. Spend the next month studying up. We’d start with Catherine Breillat. Taurus In the midst of the February 24th earthquakes, your beloved ‘Fight Club’ poster fell off the wall, which has now pushed you onto an elevated stage of con- sciousness. Yes, Taurus, you’re 31 and still found it appropriate to have a ‘Fight Club’ poster on your wall. It’s true, there were better options for wall art. So what can this be extrapolated to? Maybe it’s time to stop bulk buying instant noodles? Maybe illegally downloading indie films is kind of douchey? Maybe you should start donating a portion of your salary to charity? Look at yourself in the mirror and repeat after me: No one wants to be Ty- ler Durden. Taurus—it’s time to open the IKEA catalogue. Gemini You’re not sick because of the vac- cine shot. You’re sick because you only eat potatoes and cocaine. Cancer Bahrain has the world’s second highest vaccination rate per capita. So I bet you feel pretty silly now, Cancer, for turning down that job offer in Manama in January, 2020, don’t you? Don’t despair. Take this as a lesson for the next time you receive a job of- fer. There might be a plague and that random country could come out of it a world power. Let’s say it together: Go Bahrain! Leo When you lie, Leo, a bit of your eyebrow goes up. So tone down the dramatics, for all our sakes. Virgo The tea leaves confirmed it: March 2021 is YOUR MONTH! Savour it, dear Virgo, because the rest of the year is looking pretty hazy for you right now. And by hazy, we don’t mean unclear. No, we mean the cosmos are giving us a vision that is literally filled with smoke. House fire? New vape? Aromatherapy? We can’t confirm. Libra Sleeping diagonally and/or so close to your partner they are forced to switch to the other side of the bed is going to be a more prominent event in your life. Ex- plain that this is all just a part of what makes you adorable. Scorpio Holy crap it’s not “active listen- ing” if you keep going “mhm mhm” over top of someone speaking. Just sit there, quietly not listening, until the sounds stop coming out of the other per- son’s mouth like you usually do. Sagittarius Starting smoking was a great decision. Just kidding—stop- ping smoking and being really public about it was a great de- cision! Now, thanks to your at- tention-seeking addiction, dear Sag, you’ve got a whole audience of cigarette-starved Instagram followers all waiting to buy the hair care vitamins you’re shil- ling. Thanks, big tobacco! Capricorn There’s a hole in your mask Cap- ricorn. It was put there by—if the crystal ball doesn’t lie—someone named Helga. Aquarius It’s ok to not be ok, Aquarius. But if the trials of life are bothering you this much, unfollow every Sagittarius you meet on social media, stop partying with Gemi- nis and let the Virgos around you into your sad, sad brain. The best medicine for depression is, well, going to a medical professional. Pisces Your biting comments and sub- sequent dramatic exits are leg- endary, Pisces. Continue this theatrical flair into the coming months. We can’t say yet what it will save you from, but it might be some sort of mystical mon- ster. Or mobster. The writing of the stars can get messy some- times. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED Whale, You Asked! Words: Owen Tyrie You asked. We answered. Isn’t that enough? How do you really piss off an Icelan- dic person? Icelanders are touchy on a number of subjects, which makes it super easy to cheese someone off at a moment's notice. My favourite way to provoke someone is to tell them that skyr is lit- erally just yoghurt and nothing special; I mean, yeah, it’s nice, but does it com- pare to a Müller Light? Not really. Another way to grind an Icelander’s gears is to subtly infer that they’re all cousins. I don’t imagine it’s particu- larly nice for your whole country to be compared to the Targaryen family but, well, you asked… My final insult to Icelandic culture would be to tell them that silver is not as good as a gold medal. This is in ref- erence to the Icelandic handball team who, in !""#, won Iceland’s only silver medal in handball at the Sydney Sum- mer Olympics. To really drive the knife in, mention how Denmark won gold in !"$%. Is whale meat tasty? Hell, is it even ethical? Whale meat is pretty tasty; it’s essen- tially just a big juicy steak that tastes fishy. It’s certainly not bad but by no means anywhere near as good as a real steak. [Editor’s Note: This opinion is the journalist’s own.] In terms of it being ethical, whale, I’m afraid to admit that many Icelan- dic fishermen clearly don’t particularly care too much about the ethics of hunt- ing whales. Or shark for that matter. If it swims, they eat it. More importantly, whales aren’t even the worst thing people eat here. In Vestmannaeyjar, they eat puffins. Puffins damnit! I get that being on a freezing cold rock in the north of the Atlantic means that you gotta eat what you gotta eat but come on now, there’s plenty more fish in the sea, right? Somewhere to the side of the rainbow...* Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once 31The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03— 2021


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