Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 14

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 14
14 The set of linear equations corresponding to (10) may now be written yi (r Ql(r + s t n)\( x)" / (n) (n) dpy \ ifb (r— t — n)\ (r + s — t)l n\ \ fr* x’p dxp I = y s!(r+s~ f— n)! X í (n) , A(n) dPy0) (s — rí)\(r+s —1)\n! V° £~0 °’p dx” ) + K-tJy) (17) t = 0, 1, 2...m — 1. where the coefficients g{n\ g0l). A(n)p and A^p are given by (14), (15) and (16) for n>m, while for n<m they are zero excepting Aip)p = Aip)p = 1. Usually a more co.nve- nient set of equations is that derived from (11) or — r,! (rx -f- s — n)! (— x)n n = 0 + — n)\ (r, -f s — t)\ n\ m—1 ,(n + t) | X~ *(n + t) ' + P = 0 p dpy dxp S—t (s — Q! (rt + s — t — rí) xn , (n + t) (s — t— rí)\ (r, -|— s — t)! n\ )ff° dfy ) m—1 dpy0 P = 0 A(n~\-t)___ °’p dxp R r,, s — t dx* (18) where t — 0,1, 2...m — 1. In (17) or (18) we have m linear equations between 2 m quantities: dy dfy_ dm~xy dy0 d'n~ly0 ff’ dx’ dx2 ’ dx,n~l ffo dx ’ dym~x If m of them are known, the remaining m always may be found provided the remainders are so small that they may


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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