Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 17

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 17
17 and I get a solution analogous to that of (23) where the d"//0 coefficient of is a linear function of i],, i]2, etc. By solving linear equations we are, therefore, able to find such values of r\2, i]3 etc. as to render the coefficients dk ~ xy0 dk ~ 2y0 of —-jfirr >----e*c- eciua* to zero. In practice we dx dx restrict the number of the unknown r| as far as possible. Usually we content ourselves with iij or with r|, and n2. In practical applications it is frequently necessary or dy advantageous to know — and possibly also other deriv- dx atives of y up to dT^'y dxm~ j Usually we do not find them by differentiation of (23) because we prefer calculating them in a similar way as y in (23) directly from the differential equation by substitution from (19) where we successively put p — 1, p = 2............m — 1. We may also by means of the General Serial Relation (3) arrive at the desired solution of the differential equation. To this end we contemplate the linear diff. equation: y = y + t ii/ + + ii2/'<' f1 Tlr-l í (r—1) dy x d"y = p0y-Pix— + p2~ ~T2 -+• • dx 2! dx = Q0y0+dix dy0 dx x d2y0 f/22! dx2 (25) Now /= 0 is a differential equation of order m and there- fore in (25) pn = 0 for n > m + r — 1, whereas pn is a linear function of r|0,rjj,ri2 etc. for n<m-\- r— 1 According to (4b) also the coefficients q0, qv q2... are linear equations


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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