Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 23

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 23
23 The last expression is of a considerable importance because it enables us to estimate the accuracy of the sum in question and we can then proceed further in our calculations. I wish further to have at hand a similar expression for dy ----. This is readily accomplished by using (19) where I put dt p — 1. Hence: ^+_(k — n)[(kn — at2(\ +ecos(f + T))] — —~ t dy _________________________________ ,í! dt dt k(k—1) + o^(l + e cos (í + t)) (38) k- 1 n = 0 R = kt i d i (k — ri) [kn — at2(1 + ecos (/ + t))] — — + R n\ dt k (k — 1) + at~ (1 + e cos (t + x)) (*— 1)^-2 (+~) — + ecos(t + T) (38a) (y) We notice that for a positive and |e| < 1 the denominator in (37) and (38) does not vanish for any finite value of t indepedant of k. Real poles for finite t are therefore excluded. We are now able to write directiy down relations similar to (37a) and (38a) reférring to the other end of our interval. Then we have: y0 = (- t)n d"y ^T(k — n) (k — l + n)—-~—n+R +-7, _______ iú dt k (k — l) + at2 (1 + e cos x) / dy (39) R = k(k-l)R,_lA(y)-(k-\)lRk_2A dt


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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