Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 33

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 33
33 S-j-l S — 1 °s+2 °s+l as (60a) Also this procedure leads to a method of solving numer- cial equations, approximately. More details regarding this method are to be found in my booklet Divergent Power Series,8). However, I desire to add that when I wrote my book I was not aware of the fact that the solution of equations by virtue of that procedure was originally given by D. Bernoulli (cf. N. E. Nörlund: Vorlesungen uber Diffe- renzenrechnung, 1924, p. 299). I shall now again return to the Bessel differential equa- tion (49). The asymptotic methods expounded here, seem often to be most suitable for disclosing the character of the curve representing the differential equation, by changing the origin i. e. by replacing the unknown x by x-f-a where a represents the displacement. Bessel differential equation may now be written: , \ 2d2y . dy , 2Í , w, / m \2\ n / dx2 dx ^ \ /l lx + al r (49a) which is convenient for asymptotic differentiation. Now we have: —» /t — n) [(/r 4- n) x + (k + n — 1) a] /1 • Lt A y = ~-------------------------------------------------------------x" (61) m ' ' fc I /c — 11 ot -f- A:2 x -f- x2 j x -f- a I (1 — \ x a and x dlJ 7Z k — n x + a kn — x 1 — m x-f-a n íri X d IJ o n\ dxn dx k(k-^a + k2x + x2 (x +.a ] (1 - (^) ) (61a)


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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