Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 20

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 20
20 convergent series, does not hold because we can readily transform the divergent series to asymptotic series by a procedure which I have described some years ago5). Let U = «0 + «!* + a2x2 + .... = y~ a„ x" (30) n =0 1 d"y0 where a =---------- is a known function of n. n\ dx We have (/j0+p{x+p2x2 +... + prx) y = b0 + bxx + b2x +... = ^Jbnx" (31) /1 — 0 where hn = anP0 + an-\Px + an-2P2 + + an-rPr (31a) The constants p0, />,, p2....pr have to fulfill the condi- tions ös + 1 = 0 = 6s+2 = ös+3 = ... = öj(+r. p0 is chosen conveniently and the remaining px, p2,...pr are then readily found from r linear equations (31a). Then we have b0 + bx x + V2 +.. . + bsxa + RrJy) P0 + PxX + P^~+ ..' + prxr (32) where the remainder: Kjy) _ X' + 1 /'/J _ rfS + 1 ([Po + Pl®x + P2 (l<>X)2+ •+Pr( í)x)'] y («)//)) J s'. j 0 ' d(í)x) s+l 21 *r+*+1 ^ ,+r ++*+'í(Po + P+x + ... + pr (hx)r) y («x)] , '’+s+l (r + s)L we can also put where z satisfies the differential equation: (P„ + P, + p2*2 + • • • + P+0 // — r! (r + s — /;)! (—x)" d"z d{) (33) (34) (r— n)!(r + s)! //! dx" (35) However, in practical calculations it seems to me more straightforward to consider the remainder as an infite series to which I apply the same procedure as to the original series in order to acquire sufficient knowledge about its magnitude. Making use of determinants we are able to give the solution of (32) in a very lucid form: *+i * — í .... x ... .0 •+2“. + l . a s-f-1 — r s-\-2-r » + r öS4-r_i «s+r—2 • n — 0 an an-1 °n-2••• ■an-r «., + 1 °s «,-.••• • •«, + !- as+2as+X as • °s + 2- a s + r a s + r— as+r- 2 • ••«, /i-0 a„ a„ °n-r a , . a a , us + l a , o us+2us+l «s + ras + r-l • • • • «, (32a) x” + Rr<x (y)


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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