Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 41

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1946, Blaðsíða 41
41 1 (1 — x) we have therefore: (71+ 1)X"= „ = o (!-x) (80) for all values of x while (n + 1) x" =---------—~ lim (/;+l)x — (n + 2)x n 00 (1 — X)2 ,» + 1 (81) From the definition of it will be apparent that this sign does not signify an ordinary summation, rather we may consider it as a sign of a special mafhematical ope- ration. I have, therefore, formerly used the sign $ to denote this operation, in order to emphasize its difference from common summation. In present paper I have, however, found it more practical to use^> to make it clearthat one of the most prominent caracteristics of the operation con- cerned is its additive nature, manifesting itself among other things by the fact that we can sum up a certain number of the first terms and get the exact result by adding a iemainder term to the sum thus obtained. I maintain that the introduction of the infinite series cxo 'y anx'1 as different from ^> anx" constitutes a considerable n=0 n =o advantage in mathematical operations. As already pointed


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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