The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 23

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 23
COMMUNITIES OF AERIAL ALGÆ. I. ALGAL VEGETATION ON PROMINENT OBJECTS. 1. On Woodwork and the Bark of Living Trees. ^T^he cliraate of Iceland is very damp, that is to say, rain is fre- quent all the year round, and altogether rainy days are very numerous. Thus it is stated that at Stykkisholm there are on an average 205 rainy days annualljr. On the other hand the absolute amount of the rainfall is not very great, and naturally there are considerable local variations. Consequently, when I went to Iceland in 1914 to study the aerial algæ, I liad expected that all woodwork, fence-poles, the wooden gables of houses, and the trunks of the birchtrees would be green with a coating of algæ. My expectations on this point were, however, entirely disappointed. It turned out that all pro- minent woodwork as well as the trunks of the very sparsely occur- ring trees were practically entirely devoid of any such algal vegeta- tion. The woodwork forming the gables of the turf houses was quite naked, almost white, bleached with the sun, wind, and rain. Only right at the bottom did I occasionally find a scanty algal growth, e. g. at Hrafnkelstaðir (79) (E. Icel.), where I found a layer of Myrmecia pyriformis, and at the bottom of a barn-door at Möðru- vellir (Kjós) (292), where I found Desmococcus vulgaris, Pleurococcus vulgaris, and Trochiscia hirta. On two palings in Reykjavík I found layers of green algæ (276, 286) consisting in one case of Apatococcus lobatus, Coccomyxa dispar, Desmococcus vnlgaris, in the other of Apatoccus tobatus, Chlorella ellipsoidea, Pleurococcus vutgaris. Fence-poles and telegraph-poles were as a rule quite devoid of vegetation. However, on a fence-pole at Möðruvellir (Kjós) (287) I found Botrydiopsis arhiza, Prasiota sp., Stichococcus bacitlaris, while Chlorella rugosa and Stichococcus bacillaris grew on a telegraph pole outside Borgarnes (349).
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The Botany of Iceland

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