The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 77

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 77
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 401 Pinnularia appendiculata Ag. var. irrorata Grun. Van Heurck Svn. P1.VI, íig. 31. E. Icel. 8. L. 41, L. 61, 78, 124? — N. Icel. 135, 169, 217, 218, L. 253, L. 254, L. 256 — N. W. Icel. L. 269 — W. Icel. 307, L. 321, 336. On measuring Van Heurck’s figure (1. c.) I found the following dimensions: L. 18,9 /i, br. 3,4 /t, str. 25 in 10 p. This shows a fairly close agreement with a number of specimens which I found in the Icelandic samples. One of these is shown in fig. 22. Its dimensions were: L. 15,6 /u, br. 3,9 /u, str. 23 in 10 [x. The valve was in the main linear, with a thickening in the middle and at the ends. The mediau striæ were somewhal more strongty marked than the rest. The striæ radiated in the middle, converging slightiy at the apices. Apical area narrow, only slightly ex- panded around the central nodule. The only particular in which I íind some deviation from Van Heurck’s flgure is that the median striæ are somewhat more shortened in that figure than in the specimens observed by me. Cleve in- cludes the present variety within Pinnularia appendiculala. It seems to me that he goes too far. In the material I have examined I have not found any intermediate forms. In sample 169, however, I found a form approaching P. Oculus 0str. by its strongly capitate apices, but differing from that form by its smaller size and finer striation (L. 15 p, br. 4 p, str. abt. 24). In other samples I found shorter specimens whose apices were very indistinctly capitate. I found the present form in rather diverse locatities, both among mosses and algæ on purely mineral ground, in places near houses abounding in manure, and near hot springs. Fig. 22. Pinnularia appendicu- lata Ag. var. irrorata Grun. (X 1200). Pinnularia borealis Ehrb. Cl. Syn. II, p. 80. V. H. Syn. Pl.VI, fig. 3, 4. A. Schm. Atl. Pl. 45, fig. 15-21. E. Icel. 4, 7, 8, 14,15, 28, L. 40, L. 41, L. 61, L. 68, L. 69, 70, L. 77, 78, L. 85, L. 92, 112, L. 113, 114, L. 121, L. 123, L. 125, L. 128, 129, 131 — N. Icel. 135, 137, 138, 140, L. 160, 161, L. 162, 169, 173. L. 182, 184, L. 185, L. 196, L. 217, L. 218, L. 219, L. 241, 242, 252, L. 254 — N. W. Icel. L. 268, 269 — W. Icel. 298, 307, L. 309, L. 321, L. 327, 336, 338 — S. Icel. 282, L. 295, L. 352, L. 353, L. 372, 373, 381, 387. P. borealis is a highly variable though generally easily recognisable species. Cleve mentions (1. c..) that it shows a transition to P. lata, and conversely I should think that transitional forms to P. Balfouriana might be found. In the course of time a number of different forms, often termed varieties, have been described and figured. Ehrenberg already mentions some (see de Toni Syll. Alg. Vol. II, Sect. I, p. 20). Some have been mentioned later and described by more recent authors, others have not been mentioned. Subsequentlj' a number of fortns were figured in A. Schm. Atl. (1 c.) without any special designation. Moreover a couple of forms have been described byPantoczek and Greguss (Greguss 1913, p. 214, Taf. VII, fig. 68, and Taf. VI, fig. 39) and by Carlson (1913, p. 21, Taf. III, fig. 15) I shall not ntake more detailed mention of all
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The Botany of Iceland

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