The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 82

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 82
406 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN Forms of P.lata have previously been found on damp rocks (De Toni, v. Schönfeldt, Hustedt, Deflandre 1926), hut no doubt the species occurs most commonly in fresh water. 0strup does not men- tion v. Rabenhorstii as occurring in Iceland. I dare not infer from this fact, however, that it was not present in the material. Possibly 0strup may not have distinguished it from the main species, and perhaps there is not sufficient reason to do so. The 4 samples from E. Icel. in which I found specimens with cell contents were all derived from damp rocks, and precisely from very moist parts that will hardly ever be quite dry even in summer. The sample from S. Iceland originates from turf in the wall of a house, in a place where the water runs down in rainy weather, hence the most damp place of the wall. Thus this form will not, probably, survive much desiccation, nor does it probahly need much organic nourishment. Pinnularia major Kiitz. CI. Syn II, p. 89. A. S. Atl. Taf. 42, flg. 8. N. Icel. L. 215. The form found in this sample was somewhat smaller than the one described by Cleve (1. c.). Its dimensions were: L. 169 /u, br. 28 p, str. 8,2 in 10 ju. The sample was taken from very damp mud from the floor of the ravine »Stóra Gjá« near Mývatn, and the species can hardly be an aérial one. Pinnularia mesolepta Ehrb. var. stauroneiformis Grun. Cl. Syn. II, p. 76. Ad. Schm. Atl. Taf. 45, fig. 53. N. Icel. L. 215, L. 217, L. 218 - S. Icel. 372. According to 0strup var. stauroneiformis is the most commonly occurring form of P. mesolepta in Iceland, where he found it in 55 samples. The 3 above-mentioned samples from N.Icel. all originate from »Stóra Gjá« where it is probably always moist. This form can therefore hardl}7 be reckoned among the true aérial algæ. But few specimens were found in the sample from S. Icel., and possiblv they had not lived on thc spot (ground in front of the house). Besides the typical form, another form, shorter, hardly capitate and with straight lateral walls, was found in samples 215 and 217. Its di- mensions were: L. 28 p, br. 11 ju, str. 14 in 10 p. This form I have here included within the present variety, since it forms a gradual transition to the typical form by intermediate forms. But it might perhaps with equal correctness be referred to P. microstauron. Pinnularia molaris Grun. Cl. Syn. II, p. 74. A. Schm. Atl. Taf. 313, fig. 18. E. Icel. 7, 8, 125 — N. Icel. L. 215, 217, 218 — W. Icel. L. 307, 309a, L. 321, L. 336, L. 338 — S. Icel. L. 352, L. 364. 0strup only found the species in 3 samples from fresh water in Iceland, so according to the data it is probable that it lives chiefly as a terrestrial species in the island. I have found it several limes (samples
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The Botany of Iceland

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