The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 91

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 91
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 415 As will appear from the list above of the samples in which it was found, this form is distributed throughout the island and occurs on the ground, in almost all kinds of localities, most frequently, however, among Prasiola and mosses. It has also been found on walls at oniy a small height above the ground. Hantzschia amphioxys var. genuina Grun. Grunow' Die Diat. Fr. Jos. Ld. 1884, p. 47. E. Icel. 41, 61, L. 68, 131 — N. Icel. 218 - N. W. Icel. L. 269 — W. Icel. L. 307 — S. Icel. 295 — Vestmannaeyjar L. 401, L. 408, 409. This variety is rarer in Iceland than var. xerophila, in company with which it often occurs. From the material at hand it has not been possible to infer what life conditions the two forms respectively require. Nitzschia Grun. Nitzschia amphibia Grun. V. Heurck Syn. Pl. 68, flg. 15,16. Cl.etGrun. Arct. Diat. p. 98. E, Icel. 7, 8, 14, 24, L. 25, 28, 41, 77, 78, 85, L. 92, L. 99, 112 — N. Icel. L. 135, 140, 173, 215 — W. Icel. 321, 337 - S. Icel. 294. The species is common in fresh water (0strup 55 samples from Iceland), nor is it evidently uncommon on land, where I have often found it on rocks with trickling \vater and on rather damp ground near the edges of ditches. I have reason to believe that it will not withstand much desiccation, whereas it seems very tolerant of organic matter in the substratum (sample No. 173, »soil saturated with urine«) and capable of thriving on purely mineral ground. — — var. acutiuscula Grun. V. Heurck Syn. Pl. 68, flg. 19—22. Cl. et Grun. Arct. Diat. p. 98. N. Icel. 162. Only one specimen observed. Nitzschia Clausii Hantzsch. Grunow 1878 p. 119. Van Heurck Syn. Pl. 66, íig. 10. E. Icel. L. 7, L. 133 — N. W. Icel. L. 264 — S. Icel. 386 — Vestmanna- eyjar 410. I have sometimes found somewhat denser carinal dots than recorded by Grunow, viz, 14 in 10/r. N.angnilliila Schum. can hardly be distinguished from N. Clausii. Ostrup having found lhe species in 14 samples from fresh water, it can hardly be said to be a pronounced aérial species. I found it in the largest quantity in the samplcs from roads and their vicinity (133, 264) where there will always be some manure. The same will be the case with sample 410 from a bird-clifT. It would, however, be premature to draw wider conclusions from this fact.
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The Botany of Iceland

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