The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 70

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 70
394 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN rostratis; striis punctatis radiantibus vel apice parallelis; area apicali angusta; area centrali rotundata vel in fasciam transapicalem unilatera- liter vel bilateraliter dilatata. Fig. 19. Long. 9—24 //, lat. 5—6,3 /t, striis 18—20 in 10 //. E. Icel. L. 131 — N. Icel. L. 161, L. 162, L. 173, L. 242, L. 252, 256 — N. W. Icel. 268 - W. Icel. L. 297, L. 298, L. 309, 327 — S. Icel. L. 282, L. 295, L. 352, L. 353, L. 372, L. 381. A rather variable species of which, however, I do not find any reason to set up varieties since the various forms are found intermixcd among each other and with transitional forms. Quite small specimens occur of oval shape with rounded or slightly truncate apices Fig. 19. Naoicula nitrophila (19/<, br. 5/<, str. abt. 20), and with a Boye P. n. sp. (X 1200) round central area. Larger specimens occur with nearly lanceolate valves wilh rostrate apices, with the central area round or more or less transversally expanded. sometimes reaching the edge of the valve on one side. (L. 12— 17 //, br. 6,2/1, str. 18). Finally large specimens are found in which the valve is linear with rostrate apices and a broad transapical fascia. (L. 24/*, br. 6/<, str. 18). These specimens somewhat resemble N. Borrichii but differ plainly from this species in the striæ not being radiate at the apices and especially by their appearance in the girdle view. The valves are slightly silicified which often gives them an irregular appearance as a consequence of the preparation. I have found the species in 18 samples in all, ncarlv all derived from the immediate vicinity of houses, in ])laccs where there was abundant manure and therefore a copious vegetation of Prasiola crispa and other nitrophilous species. (In 14 of the 18 samples it was found among Prasiola crispa). Navicula nitrophila itself must there- fore be regarded as a pronounced nitrophilous spccies. Everything would seem to indicate that it will withstand strong desiccation, it having in many cases been found on fences. Navicula Rotæana Rabh. var. oblongella Grun. Cleve Syn. I, p. 128. Van Heurck Syn. Fl. 14, fig. 21. E. Icel. 25, 129 - W. Icel. 297, 298 - S. Icel. 295. The median striæ were somewhat wider apart than the rest, the spaces between these wcre very sttiall so that they were almost confluent, a striation which is also found e. g. few specimens were found in each could cell contents be obscrved. m N.pupula Kútz. Only sample, and in no case rrn U Navicula thermicola Boye P. n. sp. Valvis oblongis, producto-capitatis, long. 13//, lat. 3,3//, striis in medio 18 in 10//, aj)ices versus densioribus; area apicali angusta, area centrali in fasciam transapicalem dila- Boyép.'msp. tata; nodulis terminalibus in costas apicales protractis. Fig. 20. (X 1200). Flg 21). Navicula thermicola
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The Botany of Iceland

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