The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 46

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 46
370 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN In the succeeding part, I liave as a rule, under the individual species, stated in how many samples from fresh water 0strup found the species in Iceland (östrup 1918). A comparison of these figures with the number of samples in which I have found the species will furnish an approximate numerical basis from whicli we can find out whether the species is chiefly terrestrial or aquatic. It should be noted, liowever, that since 0strup has examined abt. 500 samples from fresh water, while I have examined abt. 100 from land, 0strup’s figures should be divided by 5 before comparing. CENTRICÆ. Melosira crenulata (Ehrb.) Kutz. van Goor 1924, p. 337. E. Icel. 4, 7, 24, 77, 113 — N. Icel. L. 169, 256 — W. Icel. 321 - S. Icel. 295, 372. I take this species here within the same limits as van Goor 1. c. The majority of the forms I have found correspond to M. italica, only in one sample did I fmd frustules of M. crenulata (sensu O. Muller 1904, p. 264). It is a peculiar fact that only short cells have been observed in the terrestrial samples. As regards the thickness of the filaments, the speciraens found corresponded to M. crenulata, M. italica, M. italica tenuis, and M. italica tenuissima. Only in one sample were living cells ascertained with certainty, in the rest all cells seemed to be dead. Nevertlieless I include the species here for the sake of completeness, since the frustules occur in several samples, and since I believe that a few specimens might perhaps be able to survive in the earth and reproduce themselves, should favourable conditions again occur, even though the majority of indivi- duals die away in periods of desiccation. The species is of common occurrence and probably lives chiefly in the plankton of lakes and ponds, whence it passes into the mud of the bottom, while numerous other specimens are washed up on to the banks. Hence we may expect to find it on areas near the shores of lakes which are flooded at certain seasons, and it is presumably from such localities that it is often brought by human agency on to the land surrounding human dwellings, e. g. in turf dug up in damp places. The localities in which I have found the species in Iceland fall into two groups: 1) Very damp places near the shores of lakes or streams, and 2) farms and their immediate neigh- bourhood (hlað). 0strup has the species from much more than a hundred localities. It is difficult to say just how manv, since he states the nuinher of samples for the individual forms, while it is impossible to see whether or not several forms occur in the same sample. This shows that the species is hydrophilous and is only exceplionally found on land where it can hardly live long.
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The Botany of Iceland

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