The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 36

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Blaðsíða 36
360 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN a. Rockij Walls. Dry rocks in Iceland are for ihe most part covered with lichens, only the most prominent and thus exposed peaks are devoid of visible vegetation. In places where water often trickles over the rocks, either when the snow is thawing or after rain, an algal vege- tation is met with. Where the moisture is so slight that the rock seems quite dry in periods of desiccation, we meet with the algal vegetation which has been called »Tintenstriche«, often mentioned because it is so conspicuous in the landscape. In Iceland I observed such an algal vegetation on the steep basalt wall that bounds the Fljótsdalur (E. Iceland) on the north-west. Sample 89 is derived from the driest locality there. The algæ formed a thin black lajær on the rock and could only be scraped off in the shape of a powder in which I found the following species: Calothrix parietina, Gloeo- capsa alpina, Nostoc sp., Schizothrix Heufleri, Scytonema crustaceum, that is to say, all Cyanophyceæ, and all with well developed sheaths, browm or violet in colour. Under almost similar conditions I found a growth of Stigonema minutum and S. panniforme on a wall formed of old lava-streams in Almannagjá (see Thoroddsen 1914, íig. 9). In somewhat moister places the algal vegetation grows richer in species, and the individuals reach a far better development than in the driest localities. In the summer the moisture will no doubt be slight in periods of dry weather, and the algæ growing here may, I think, be classed as aérial algæ. These localities correspond in the main to Strom’s »moist rocks« (Strom 1926, p. 18). Among these I class samples 85, 87, 99, 101, 127, 128, 129. In addition to Cyanophyceæ, numerous Diatoms occur here. The chief Cyano- phyceæ are Scytonema Myochrous, which may form large continuous felted layers (87), Calothrix parietina (101, 127), besides many Chroo- coccaceæ (Chroococcus turgidus, Gloeocapsa alpina, G.Magma, G. ru- pestris, Gloeothece rupestris). The most characteristic Diatonis are Caloneis fasciata, Diatomella Balfouriana, Fragilaria lœvissima, Navi- cnla contenta, N. perpusilla, Nitzschia Denticula, and N. sinuata. Over some parts of the rocky walls there is a continuous flow of water, and these places answer in the main to Strom’s »inun- dated rocks« (1926, p. 18). The algæ growing here are mostly hydro- philous species which are submerged most of the time even though the water layer is only tliin (samples 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 100, 102, 122). In addition to some of the species that inhabit moist rocks such as Scytonema Myochrous, Calothrix parietina, Gloeo-
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The Botany of Iceland

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