Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1983, Side 32

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1983, Side 32
UM IKKI AT FLYTA ANNAN FÓTIN... 35 In 1964 the Society arranged the first course in Faroese language and literature for school- teachers and other students. At the same time the Museum of Natural History arranged courses in natural sciences. The outcome of these activities was the foundation of an institution of higher education, and this was achieved when, in 1965, the Fróðskaparsetur Føroya (Academia Færoensis) was establis- hed with the object of undertaking research and higher education. Today there are three departsments: the department of Faroese language and literature, the department of natural sciences, and the department of theo- logy. Nine fulltime teachers are responsible for the 2-year courses given at three depart- ments. In this article the history of the Society and the Academy is outlined since their establish- ment. Two men are regarded the pillars of both the Society and the Academy: Hanus Debes Joensen, dr. med., and Jóannes Rasmussen, dr. scient. h.c.
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