Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1983, Page 71

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1983, Page 71
74 PLANTUSÁÐTELJING I FØROYUM í 1982 OG 1983 ymiskt. Tað sæst m.a. av, at tað var tríggjar ferðir so nógv sáð av leggsýru 1 1983 sum í 1982. Hetta er vanliga treytað av veðurlagn- um frammanundan og í blómingartíðini. Fyri at fylgja gongdini og kanska kunna siga frammanundan, hvussu eitt summar kann væntast at verða, er neyðugt at gera framhaldandi teljingar. Kanningin 1983 varð stuðlað av Statens Lægevidenskabelige Forskningsrád. Ólavur Øster hevur teknað strikumyndirnar. Bókmentir 1) Weeke, E., Jørgensen, G., Petersen, B.N., Torp, U. og Buch, H.: Pollenregistrering i København sommeren 1977. Ugeskrift for læger 141/18, 1979. 2) Den danske Pollenbulletin, vol. VII, 1983. 3) Wihl, J.Á.: Comparison of pollen counts in Copenhagen and Malmoe 1977, 1978 og 1979. Summary With a Burkard pollen and spore sampler placed 20 m above ground on Lands- sjúkrahúsið, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, the content of pollen and spores in the air has been investigated. The results are shown in figs. 1-6 and table 1. Extremely low values have been found compared with other countr- ies e.g. Denmark. This might partly be due to the fact that Landssjúkrahúsið is situated close to the sea, but the pollen production is probably much lower in the Faroes than in countries further south. It was found that on days with high proportions of grass pollen, patients were affected and showed allergetic symptoms, even if the number always was in the class low (O-5/m3) according to Nordic Medical Standard.
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