Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1983, Side 112
L. B. Pedersen: Some Magnetotellu-
ric Measurements on the Faeroe
Islands 1978. (30. bók, bls. 47—
103. Reinert, Andrias: Biological Data of
Brama rayi (Bloch 1791) in North
Atlantic Waters; sí Hoydal, Kjartan.
104. Ritstjórnarskifti [á Fróðskaparritij.
(26. bók, bls. 150—154).
105. Saxov, Svend: Ccmplementary Gravity
Observations in the Faroe Islands.
(25. bók, bls. 66— 83 + 1 kort).
106. Saxov, Svend og P. Melchior: Earth
Tides. (23. bók, bls. 32—47).
107. Skárup, Povl: Husbeðr í Seyðabrævin-
um. (21. bók, bls. 51—58).
108. Steig, Jón á: Lungaillvøkstur í Føroy-
um 1955—1972. (22. bók, bls. 118-
109. Stevenson Robert B. K.: Christian
sculpture in Norse Shetland. (28. og
29. bók bls. 283—292).
110. Suter Diana, Robin G. Harvey, Mogens
Hauge, Peter Hinderson, and Jørgen
Cohn: Anthropological and Genetic
Studies of the Faroese. (27. bók, bls.
111. Svejgaard A.: Amylo-1 6-gluscosida»e
deficiency (glycogenosis type III) in
the Faroe Islands; sí Jensen, B.
112. Søndergaard, V. Halskov: In Situ
Determinations and Statistical Ana~
lysis of Magnetic Susceptibilities of
Basalts of the Faroe Islands; sí Han-
sen, K. Overgárd.
113. Tabula gratulatoria [til Sverra Dahl á
70 ára degnum]. (28. og 29. bók, bls.
114. Thorsteinsson, Arne: Forn búseting í
Føroyum. (26. bók, bls, 54—80).
115. Thorsteinsson, Arne: Heimildir um
seyðamjólking í Føroyum. (25. bók,
bls. 84—100).
116. Thorsteinsson, Arne: Kvøða til Sverra
Dahl. (28. og 29. bók, bls. 9—10).
117. Thorsteinsson, Arne: Tir.ganes 1673.
(28. og 29. bók, bls. 293—312).
118. Wang, August G.: Ferðsluóhapp sum
almannafyribrigdi (sosialt fyiibrigdi).
Ein epidemiologisk kanning; sí Jes
persen, Jan.
119. Wang, August G.: Sinnissjúkui í Føroy-
um; sí Djurhuus, Høgni.
120. Wang, P.: Amylo-l,6-glucosidase de~
ficiency (glycogenosis type III) in the
Faroe Islands; sí Jensen, B.
121. West, John F: How old is the Faroese
grannastevna ? (23. bók, bls. 48—
122. Waagstein, Regin and Jóannes Rasmus-
sen: Glacial Eiratics from the Sea
Floor South-East of the Faeroe Is-
lands and the Limit of Glaciation.
(23. bók, bls. 101—119).
123. Waagstein, Regin: Marine Seismic In-
vestigation of the Shelf around the
Faeroe Islands; sí Nielsen, P. Hede-
124. Zachariassen, Petur: Grindatøl 1584—
1640 og 1709--1978; sí Joensen, Ják-
up Sverre.
125. Zachariassen, Petur: Knappligar broyt-
ingar í sjóvarhitanum við Føroyar; sí
Hansen, Bogi.
126. Z[achariasen], U[lf]: Bókmentaliga
virksemi Sverra Dahl. (28. og 29. bók
bls. 381—385).
127. Zachariasen, Ulf: Eitt sindur um ljóð-
yvirflyting í føroyskum. (25. bók,
bls. 101—104).