Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Side 28
with collections belonging to the agaric
genera Cortinarius and Inocybe.
Comments to the check-list
This check-list includes the Ascomycetes,
Basidiomycetes, Phycomycetes and Zy-
gomycetes known from the Faroe Islands.
Allthough not being true fungi, Myxo-
mycetes are often collected and studied by
mycologists, and therefore they are includ-
ed too.
Generally, imperfect fungi have been ex-
cluded. In the cases where the association
to a perfect state is well known, findings of
the anamorph are included under the teleo-
morphic name. If only the anamorph (and
not the teleomorph) has been found on the
Faroes, this is indicated in the list.
Some of the taxa reported by Møller
have been excluded here, because I consid-
er their true identity to be doubtful. A large
part of the material studied and collected by
Møller is kept in the Botanical Museum of
Copenhagen. These collections are often in
a fairly bad state, apparently due to his poor
drying facilities. I have studied a limited
number of Møller’s collections, but it has
not been my ambition to revise his material
All information on ecology and temporal
occurrence is based entirely on observa-
tions from the Faroe Islands. The temporal
occurrence is indicated with Roman nu-
merals for the months in which the species
have been collected or observed. For a large
number of species the true temporal occur-
rence might be considerably wider than in-
dicated. This is due to the fact that most
mycologists have visited the islands during
the summer period only.
If herbarium material exists, this is indi-
cated using the abbrievation C for the
Botanical Museum of Copenhagen, FR for
Føroya Náttúrugripasavn in Tórshavn, O
for Oslo University, TB for the private
herbarium of Torbjørn Borgen and ZT for
Geobotanical Institue in Ziirich.
If a species is known frorn one locality
only, the locality name is indicated. If it is
known from more than one locality, a list is
given of the islands where the species has
been found. The islands are abbreviated as
follows: Bo: Borðoy - Ey: Eysturoy - Fu:
Fugloy - He: Hestur - Ka: Kalsoy - Ko:
Koltur - Ku: Kunoy - My: Mykines - No:
Nólsoy - Sa: Sandoy - St: Stremoy - Su:
Suðuroy - Sv: Svínoy - Va: Vágoy - Vi:
Without the enthusiasm and effort of Jóhannes Jóhansen
(1937-1995) the investigations made during the last 10
years would never have been carried out. It has been a
pleasure for me to collect fungi on the islands with Jens
H. Petersen and Erik Rald in 1988, with my family in
1992 and with Jacob Heilmann-Clausen in 1994. Hen-
ning Knudsen is thanked for drawing my attention to the
presence of Morten Lange’s collections, and Torbjørn
Borgen is thanked for placing a number of collections
from 1993 at my disposal. Gro Gulden, Henrik F.
Gøtzsche, Knud Hauerslev, Egon Horak, Klaus Høi-
land, Mauri Korhonen, Christian Lange, Machiel E. No-
ordeloos, Jukka Vauras and Leif Orstadius are thanked
for studying and identifying material collected from the
Faroes. Emest and Valerie Emmett are thanked for sug-
gesting linguistic improvements of the text.