Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Page 86
Water (1.5-3.5 °C), 4 species are mostly from cold bot-
tom water of the Norwegian Sea, and 2 species are
recorded from two or three different water masses.
Previous investigations
In 1895-96 the Danish »Ingolf« Expedition
sampled 22 deep-water stations off the
Faroes, in the area which today is defined
as the Faroese Fishery Territory. The re-
search vessel »Thor«, used by the Danish
Committee for the Exploration of the Sea,
made fishery investigations around the
Faroes under the leadership of J. Schmidt in
1903-05. The Decapoda Natantia collected
by »Ingolf«, »Thor«, Th. Mortensen and F.
Jørgensen, and a part of the material col-
lected by the Norwegian fishery research
vessel »Michael Sars« was studied by H. J.
Hansen (1908). The following 23 species
were recorded from the Faroe area: Acan-
thephyra purpurea, Bythocaris leucopis, B.
payeri, B. simplicirostris, Crangon allman-
ni, Eualus gaimardii, Eualus pusiolus, Hip-
polyte varians, Hymenodora glacialis,
Lebbeus polaris, Pandalina brevirostris,
Pandalus borealis, P. montagui, P. propin-
quus, Pasiphaea tarda, Philocheras
bispinosus, Pontophilus norvegicus, Sabi-
nea sarsii, Sclerocrangon boreas, S. ferox,
Sergestes arcticus, Sergia robustus, and
Spirontocaris spinus.
The »Michael Sars« sampled some sta-
tions in the area in the years 1900, 1902,
1904, 1905 and 1910. Wollebæk (1909)
gave some records of Pontophilus norvegi-
cus and Sabinea sarsii based on that mate-
rial. Fater, the small vessel »Armauer
Hansen« of Bergen Museum sampled some
stations in 1914. Sund (1913) revised
Pasiphaea and added Pasiphaea multiden-
tata to the Faroese fauna and published new
records of P. tarda (as P. principalis).
Sund (1920) reported records of Ser-
gestes arcticus and Sergia robustus. Grieg
(1927) studied and reviewed part of the ma-
terial collected by »Michael Sars« and »Ar-
mauer Hansen« and reported new records
of the species Bythocaris leucopis, Hymen-
odora glacialis, Lebbeus polaris, Pandalus
montagui, Pasiphaea multidentata, P. tar-
da, Pontophilus norvegicus, Sabinea sarsii,
and Sergestes arcticus.
Stephensen (1928) contains infomation
on the distribution of marine Decapoda in
water shallower than 200 m. Eleven species
of the suborder Natantia are reported
adding Philocheras echinulatus to those
listed above.
T. Brattegard sampled five stations in the
Faroe area in 1983 using a modified Roth
lisberg and Pearcy epibenthic sampler de-
scribed in Brattegard and Fossá (1991). T
Brattegard and J.-A. Sneli sampled 12 sta
tions in 1986 and one station in 1987 in the
Faroe area using the epibenthic sampler
and a detritus sledge (Sneli-sledge) (Sneli,
1998). These stations are included in the
BIOFAR station list (Nørrevang et al..
Rømer (1991) found additional, unre-
ported material from the Faroe area in the
collections of the Zoological Museum,
University of Copenhagen. The material
had been collected by the vessels »Thor« in
1913, »Amy« (replacement vessel for
»Dana« (II) which was lost in 1935: Dr Ole
S. Tendal, pers. commn) in 1937, »Dana«
in 1938-39, 1946 and 1954, and »Hvidbjør-
nen« in January 1979.