Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Síða 124
have been observed until about 1928. From
1928-1933 there were no agreements.
From a union point of view this gave a
sense of insecurity and some confusion at
this time. Until about 1925-26 Enighe-
den’s chief aim was to improve wage con-
ditions and gain certain rights. But later the
right to own the means of production be-
comes part of their policy, and a close co-
operation is established with the newly
formed socialist party. One result of this
new movement is the co-operative enter-
prise Isvirkið.
Enigheden has thus both union support
and political support, which makes it re-
semble more closely unions in other
Nordic countries. Two important factors in
this development are undoubtedly the in-
fluence of P.M. Dam and the connection
with Føroya Arbeiðarafelag (Faroese
Trade Union).
About 1930 matters other than those
connected with pay become an important
part of Enigheden’s union activity. The
most important of these is to persuade the
employers to accept the general principle
of the payment of wages in cash. The right
of the worker to payment in cash formed
part of all agreements from, and incluđing,
the first agreement in 1918. Nevertheless
the practice of paying workers in kind con-
tinued and appears to become more deep
rooted as we approach the thirties.
Quite simply, the employers did not re-
spect the regulations with regard to the set-
tling of accounts, and it must be admitted
that until about 1925-26 Enigheden accept-
ed this state of affairs. The employers said
that they did not have the means to start a
1928. Frá 1928-1933 var sáttmálaloysi, og
tí vóru viðurskiftini eitt sindur ótrygg og
ógreið, sæð frá einum fakrættarligum sjón-
arhorni, í hesum skeiði. Til umleið 1925-26
var aðalmálið hjá Enigheden at vinna løn-
arbatar og ymisk rættindi. Men eftir hetta
fer virksemið eisini at snúgva seg um ogn-
arrættin til vinnutólini, og tætt samstarv
verður millum Enigheden og tann nýstovn-
aða javnaðarflokkin. Eitt úrslit av hesi
nýggju stevnu er samvinnufyritøkan Is-
Fakliga støðið undir Enigheden verður
sostatt útbygt við einum politiskum støði,
og Enigheden kemur við hesari gongd at
líkjast fakfeløgunum í øðrum Norðurlond-
um. Tað er einki at ivast í, at sambandið við
P.M. Dam hevur stóran týdning fyri hesa
gongd, men eisini sambandið við Føroya
Arbeiðarafelag hevur týdning.
Umleið 1930 koma, umframt lønar-
spurningar, aðrir spurningar at eyðkenna
fakliga virksemið hjá Enigheden. Tann
mest týðandi er málið um at fáa arbeiðs-
gevararnar at góðkenna meginregluna um
kontanta lønarrindan. Rættur verkamanna
til kontanta lønarrindan var staðfestur í øll-
um sáttmálum frá og við fyrsta sáttmálan-
um í 1918. Kortini helt siðvenjan at løna
arbeiðsfólki við vørum sær framvegis á lívi
og tóktist bert at grógva alt fastari, sum vit
nærkast tríatiárunum.
Arbeiðsgevararnir hildu heilt einfalt ikki
ásetingarnar um uppkláring, og ásannast
má, at til umleið 1925-26 góðtók Enighed-
en hesa støðu. Arbeiðsgevararnir søgdu seg
ikki hava gjaldføri til at seta eina kontant-
lønarskipan í verk. Tað er ikki her kannað,
í hvønn mun henda grundgeving veruliga