Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Side 125
system of paying wages in cash. To what
extent this really was the reason for their
opposition to paying wages in cash has not
been investigated in this work.
Arbeiðsgevarafelagið (Employers’ As-
sociation) approves in 1933 a regulation
which will ensure that wages are paid in
cash. The system, however, does not work,
as the members of Fylking still have to col-
lect their pay at the offíce of the merchant.
This ends with the old system by which the
workers were paid in kind again becoming
common practice in Tvøroyri in the au-
tumn of 1933.
This situation gives rise to so much dis-
satisfaction amongst the members of Fylk-
ing that they decide to take strong action.
After a great deal of discussion in Fylking,
it was agreed that the union would have to
have some means of collecting members’
wages from the employers. It is in connec-
tion with this that the concept of a special
office for paying wages arises. Behind the
proposal for a wages offíce is the anticipa-
tion that the law on unemployment insur-
ance and the direction of labour would
come into operation in the Faroe Islands.
According to the proposals in the law, of-
fices for the direction of labour were to be
established throughout the country, and the
state, municipal councils and unions were
to bear the cost of these offices. In Fylking
it was therefore regarded as a matter of
course that this office would be able to col-
lect members’ wages.
But the Faroese parliament delayed the
matter, and no unemployment insurance
came into operation at that time. In the cir-
cumstances Fylking decided to set up an of-
var orsøkin til mótstøðu teirra ímóti eini
Arbeiðsgevarafelagið góðtekur í 1933
eina áseting, ið skal tryggja, at lønin verður
rindað kontant. Men skipanin fæst fram-
vegis ikki at virka, tí limir Fylkingar skulu
framvegis heinta lønina á skrivstovu keyp-
mansins. Tað endar við, at gamla skipanin
við at løna arbeiðsfólki við vørum í roynd
og veru aftur verður galdandi á Tvøroyri, tá
komið er út á heystið 1933.
Henda støða elvir til so stóra misnøgd
millum limirnar í Fylking, at avgjørt verður
at seta hart ímóti hørðum. Eisini verður eft-
ir drúgvar umrøður í Fylking komið til, at
Fylking má útvega sær eitt amboð at krevja
lønina hjá limunum inn frá arbeiðsgevarun-
um. Tað er í hesum høpi, at hugskotið kem-
ur upp um eina løngjaldstovu. Bakstøðið
fyri hugskotinum um løngjaldstovu er tað,
at roknað varð við, at lóg um arbeiðsloysis-
trygging og arbeiðsávísing fór at verða sett
í gildi fyri Føroyar. Sambært uppskotinum
skuldu arbeiðsávísingarskrivstovur setast á
stovn kring landið, og ríkið, kommunurnar
og fakfeløgini skuldu í felag bera kostnaðin
av teimum. Tað var í Fylking hildið at vera
sjálvsagt, at henda skrivstova á Tvøroyri
skuldi kunnað kravt lønirnar inn fyri limir-
Men løgtingið freistaði málið, og sum
kunnugt varð eingin arbeiðsloysistrygging
sett í gildi um hetta mundið. Undir hesum
umstøðum valdi Fylking at seta skrivstov-
una á stovn, hóast limirnir sjálvir skuldu
bera allan kostnaðin av rakstrinum. Eftir
eitt stutt, men hart verkfall, har Fylking
fekk fíggjarligan stuðul frá De Samvirk-
ende Fagforbund í Danmark, góðtók Tvør-