Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Side 126
fice, even though the members would have
to bear all the running costs themselves.
After a short but bitter strike, during which
Fylking got financial help from De Sam-
virkende Fagforbund in Denmark, the em-
ployers association, Tvøroyrar Arbeiðsgev-
arafelag (TAG), acknowledged the wages
office. This event changed the fundamental
balance of power between workers and em-
ployers in Tvøroyri. The law concerning
the payment of wages in cash came into ef-
fect for the whole of the Faroe Islands on
lst January, 1937.
After the establishment of the wages of-
fice, the attitude of the two sides hardened,
and there were several serious disagree-
ments between Fylking and TAG in January
1935. There were also internal problems in
Fylking, but these were all resolved and the
union emerged from the difficult year of
1935 safe and sound.
The skilled workers agreement of 7th
January 1936 is interesting; by this agree-
ment apprentices in Tvøroyri now have
regulated conditions. This is by no means
the only example of how the employers’
association and Fylking work together for
the common good.
At a meeting in Fylking on 14th Febru-
ary 1936, it is decided to try to buy a
trawler for the town in order to cut down on
unemployment. The parties who co-oper-
ate in this effort are initially Fylking, Fiske-
pigernes Fagforening (the union of the
women who worked with the fish ashore)
and one of the employers, Richard B.
Thomsen. Richard Thomsen withdrew in
March 1936 due to fact that he could not
raise money for his share in the project.
oyrar Arbeiðsgevarafelag løngjaldstovuna.
Henda hending broytti avgerandi makt-
javnvágina millum arbeiðsmenn og aib-
eiðsgevarar á Tvøroyri. Lóg um kontanta
lønarrindan kom í gildi fyri allar Føroyar 1.
Eftir at løngjaldstovan varð sett á stovn,
harðnar lagið millum partarnar, og fleiri
álvarsamar ósemjur vóru millum Fylking
og Tvøroyrar Arbeiðsgevarafelag í januar
1935. Eisini innanhýsis í Fylking vóru
trupulleikar, ið tó allir vórðu greiddir, og
felagið kom heilskapað burtur úr tí trupla
árinum 1935.
Handverkarasáttmálin frá 7. januar 1936
er áhugaverdur, tí við honum koma lærling-
ar á Tvøroyri undir skipað viðurskifti.
Hetta er eitt av teimum ikki heilt fáu døm-
um, har arbeiðsgevarar og Fylking sam-
starvast um eitt mál av felags áhuga.
Á fundi í Fylking tann 14. februar 1936
verður gjørt av at royna at útvega ein trolara
til plássið fyri at minka um arbeiðsloysið.
Henda roynd byrjar sum eitt samstarv
ímillum Fylking, Fiskepigernes Fagforen-
ing og ein av arbeiðsgevarunum, Richard
B. Thomsen. Richard Thomsen tók seg
fyrst í mars 1936 burtur úr samstarvinum,
av tí at hann ikki fekk fígging til sín part av
verkætlanini. Fylking og Fiskepigernes
Fagforening hildu fram við ætlanunum um
at keypa trolaran.
Samráðingar í mars 1936 millum umboð
fyri feløgini og fiskaríbankan endaðu við,
at fiskaríbankin játtaði fígging til trolara-
keypið. Føroya Banki játtaði fígging at
keypa ognimar hjá A/S J. Mortensens Eft.
ið var farið á húsagang móti 1. veðrætti og
treytað av, at feløgini kundu leggja 20.000