Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Side 181
The present study is part of a comprehensive investiga-
tion of climatic controls on the evolution of the land-
scape in the Faroe Islands, funded by the Danish Natur-
al Science Research Council. Special thanks are due to
Lis E. Mortensen (Museum of Natural History, Tór-
shavn), who participated in some of the investigations.
Harald Svensson (Institute of Geography, University of
Copenhagen) back in 1987 originally argued for the im-
portance of a geomorphological research initiative in the
Faroe Islands. Our introduction to the periglaciation of
Scotland by Colin Ballantyne (School of Geography and
Geosciences, University of St. Andrews) is gratefully
acknowledged, as this in many respects appears ana-
logue to that of the Faroe Islands. The paper was written
during a stay as visiting scientists at the Faroese Muse-
um of Natural History, Tórshavn.
Contract grant sponsor: Danish Natural Science Re-
search Council
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