Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Qupperneq 196
Table 3
Si02 Ti02 ai2o3 FeO* MnO MgO CaO Na20 k2o Total
73.52 0.08 12.29 1.62 0.03 0.08 1.32 4.08 2.73 95.76
67.72 0.54 15.49 5.96 0.17 0.59 3.32 4.26 1.86 99.92
67.13 0.41 15.23 5.35 0.25 0.56 3.13 4.41 2.15 98.62
67.07 0.56 15.18 5.55 0.14 0.60 3.37 4.15 2.02 98.63
66.64 0.47 15.09 5.79 0.19 0.43 3.32 4.04 2.07 98.03
66.52 0.48 15.25 5.59 0.17 0.54 3.15 3.86 1.95 97.52
64.68 0.48 14.90 5.68 0.18 0.52 3.29 4.15 2.01 95.90
56.30 2.15 13.18 12.08 0.36 3.26 6.36 3.85 1.38 98.91
Table 3. New rnajor element data on the ‘L 3574 Tephra’ from the Saksunarvatn core. . This data is also available
at (Analytical details as in Table 1.).
Talva 2. Nýggjar upplýsingar um høvuðsgrundevnini í ‘L 3574-tefruni’ úr borikjarna úr Saksunarvatni.
Hetta tilfar er eisini til taks á (Upplýsingar um greiningina
eru tær somu sum til talvu 1).
logy are most likely to be found in peat pro-
files where the problems of sediment re-
working within a catchment and sediment
focusing can be avoided. The preservation
of Holocene peats on Faroe is therefore an
important issue for tephrochronology, as
well as a being a critical factor in the sur-
vival of general palaeoecological archives.
The financial support of the Leverhulme Trust, NERC
(UK), and NSF (USA) is gratefully acknowledged; elec-
tron probe micro-analysis was carried out in the Depart-
ment of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edin-
burgh, with the support of Peter Hill and Stuart Kearns.
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