Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1998, Page 213
Fig. 1. Summary diagram of
the lithology, % weight loss
on ignition (organic
content), total pollen con-
centration, microcharcoal
area and percentage sums
for trees, shrubs and herba-
ceous taxa at Tjømuvík. The
AMS radiocarbon date is
calibrated using CALIB vers.
3.0.3 (I <5 variation; Stuvier
and Pearson, 1993). Total
pollen concentration is
expressed as and
microcharcoal as}.
Mynd 1. Yvirlitsstrikumynd
av steinfrøðini, vektmissi av
kveiking í % (lívrunnum
innihaldi), heildarkonsentra-
tión av flogsáð, mikrotrækol-
øki og taxa av viðar- og
kjarrvøkstri og plantum í
prosentum í Tjømuvík. AMS
kolevni 14-dagfestingin er
kalibrerað við CALIB vers.
3.0.3. (I g frábrigdi; Stuvier
og Pearson, 1993). Heildar-
konsentratión av flogsáð er f
korn.cnr3 og mikrotrækol í
recorded at 211.3 cm. The main sedimenta-
ry changes, percentage weight loss on igni-
tion, microcharcoal area, summary profiles
for pollen concentration, percentage repre-
sentation of trees, shrubs and herbs are il-
lustrated in Figure 1.
Vegetation history
The vegetational changes inferred from the
pollen and macrofossil analysis are sum-
marised in Table 1. The settlement horizon
was recognised by the occurrence of cereal
pollen grains of Hordeum-type and com-
plemented by identification of macrofossil
seeds of weed species that are often associ-
ated with cultivation and disturbance. In
addition to this, Gramineae soon became
the most abundant pollen type. The most
common pre-settlement plant groups were
wet meadow taxa, mainly Cyperaceae and
shrubs. The preliminary pollen diagram in-
dicated that pollen grains >3 pm occurred
above 210 cm, but not below 215 cm. When
individual 3-4 mm slices of sediment were
pollen analysed between 205 and 230 cm,
the first occurrence of Hordeum-type
grains was pinpointed to between 211.3
and 211.6 cm. This was prior to the in-