Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1974, Síða 55

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1974, Síða 55
RÓÐUKROSSINN í FANNARDAL 61 leið til að halda við bænhúsinu, því að jörðin var helst til lítil til að standa undir kostnaði við endurnýjun þess og það jafnvel þótt fram- lag kunni að hafa komið frá Hólum og Tandrastöðum, hjáleigu Hóla. Áheit eru að mörgu leyti sama eðlis og happdrætti nútímans, aðeins með trúarlegu yfirbragði.88 Sú siðvenja að heita á Fannardalskrossinn þraukaði af siðaskiptin og hélst fram undir lok síðustu aldar og ekki fara af því sögur að við þeirri venju hafi verið amast, enda var hún bundin við mjög svo tak- markað svæði og heitféð jafnan svo óverulegt að yfirvöld létu málið aldrei til sín taka. Þjóðskjalasafn Islands 12. okt. 1974. SUMMARY The Crucifix frorn Fanna/rdalur. In the present paper the author tells in detail the history of a small carved crucifix, which until 1895 was preserved on the farm Fannardalur (now aban- doned) in the East of Iceland. The image is obviously not made by a professional woodcai-ver. More likely it is the work of a gifted amateur, probably an Icelandic peasant. Consequently a dating on stylistic grounds is difficult, but the author attempts to show that the work is probably from Catholic times, more precisely the 14th century. Although unwarranted in available documents, it is consi- dered likely that there was a church or a chapel at Fannardalur at that time. The crucifix was possibly part of its inventory and may have remained on the farm as its only reminiscence after its abolition shortly before the Refonnation. The main interest of this humble work of art and worship lies in the fact that as long as we know the crucifix held a place of honour and veneration among the peasants in the neighbourhood. In 1819 the local parson writes the following: „I can tell with certainty that for a long time after the abolition of papal wor- ship this image aroused a good deal of superstition, even up to our own days, namely that people used to make vows to it in times of disaster, and in most cases the difficulties were incredibly well solved. Often the presents promised consisted of pieces of cloth, candles and lighting fat, and even in my time the farmer at 88 Um heimildir í íslenzku fornbréfasafni um fégjafir til handa krossum sjá tilvitnanir í grein eftir Jakob Benediktsson í Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder, IX. bindi, dálkar 181—182 (undir Kors, Island).
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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