Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1974, Qupperneq 116

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1974, Qupperneq 116
RIT A ERLENDUM TUNGUM eftir íslenzka menn eða um íslenzk efni (Ur ritauka Landsbókasafns 1973) AEBISCHER, PAUL. Textes norrois et littérature frangaise du moyen áge. II. La premiére bran- che de la Karlamagnús saga. Traduction com- pléte du texte norrois, précédée d’une intro- duction et suivie d’un index des noms propres cités. Publications Romanes et Frangaises CXVIII. Genéve 1972. XII, 149, (2) bls. 8vo. ALBANI, CLAUDIO. Ricerche attorno alla Kristnisaga. Nota di * * * Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Estratto dai Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere - Vol. 102. Mil- ano 1968. 54 bls. 8vo. ATLANTICA & Iceland Review. A quarterly publication for international distribution, with general news, fishing and business supplement. Vol. 10. Editors: Haraldur J. Hamar, Heimir Hannesson. Editorial assistance and transla- tion: Pétur Kidson Karlsson. Lay-out and cover: Gísli B. Björnsson, Advertising Agency. Rvík 1972. [Pr. í Hollandi]. 4 h. -)- 4 supple- ments. 4to. -----Vol. 11. Editors: Haraldur J. Hamar, Heim- ir Hannesson. Editorial assistance and transla- tion: Pétur Kidson Karlsson. Lay-out and cover: Gísli B. Björnsson, Advertising Agency. Rvík 1973. [Pr. í Hollandi]. 4 h. 4to. ALÞJÓÐLEGT FORNSAGNAÞING, Reykjavík 2.-8. ágúst 1973. Fyrirlestrar. I. hefti; II. hefti. [Fjölr.] Rvík 1973. (2), 14, 24, 28, 28, 17, 20, 17, 12, 12, 22, 18, 21, 16, 20; (2), 30, 19, 13, 11, 14, 15, 17, 30, 14, 17, 30, 14, 17, 12, 5, 16, 18, 20 bls. 4to. BAETKE, WALTER. Kleine Schriften. Geschi- chte, Recht und Religion in germanischem Schrifttum. Herausgegehen von Kurt Rudolph und Ernst Walter. Weimar 1973. 387 bls. 8vo. BAILEY, BERNADINE. Einar aus Island. Aus dem Englischen von Káthe Neuburg. Illustra- tionen von Susanne Stolzenberg. Titel der Ori- ginalausgabe: Einar. Ungekiirzte Ausgabe. Miinchen 1973. 126 bls. 8vo. BALLOON OBSERVATIONS of auroral-zone X-rays in conjugate regions. J. R. Barcus, R. R. Brown and R. H. Karas, K. Brpnstad and H. Trefall, M. Kodarna, and T. J. Rosenberg. Reprinted from Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestial Physics, Vol. 35, No. 3. Oxford 1973. (1), 497. - 511. bls. 4to. BÁRDARSON, HJALMAR R. Ising pá skip. Særtrykk av SKIP 11/12 - 71 og 1 /72. Sl. [1972]. (7) bls. 4to. BAUER, PAUL S. A Feature of Iceland. [Ritd.] Reprinted from Science, Volume 172, 1971. (3) bls. 4to. BECK, RICHARD. Some Observations on John Masefield and the Icelandic Sagas. [From Saga og sprák. Austin, Texas 1972]. Bls. 93- 96. 8vo. BENEDIKZ, B. S. Basic Themes in Icelandic Folklore. (Offprint from Folklore, Volume 84, 1973). (1), 26 bls. 8vo. BENGTSON, SVEN-AXEL, & D. F. OWEN. Polymorphism in the Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus in Iceland. (From Ibis, 115, 1973). Bls. 87-92. 4to. [BERGÞÓRSSON], BERGTHÓRSSON, PÁLL. Advection of Climate by Ocean Currents. Re- printed from Sea Ice Conference Proceedings, Reykjavík, 1972. [Rvík 1972]. 7 bls. 4to.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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