Almanak Ólafs S. Thorgeirssonar - 01.01.1920, Blaðsíða 75

Almanak Ólafs S. Thorgeirssonar - 01.01.1920, Blaðsíða 75
Jumbo Pumpkin 300 Lbs. Jumbo 'VVatermelon 50 to 80 lbs. Jumbo Muskmelon 15 to JJO Ibs. Jumbo rumpkin 100 to 300 lbs. Jumbo Cabbage 20 to 30 Ibs. Jum bo lladish 10 to 15 lbs. Jumbo Sweet Corn lCars 1 foot Wliat do you tliink of Pumpkins so largs that it takcs two men to carry one and other vegetables aslarge as mention- ed? These Jumbo varieties often grow to tlie sizes mentioned, and we can sec no reason why 'you cannot grow them just as large, and perhaps larger, if you give them good care. Be the first in your neighborhood to grow these mamoth va- rieties, and fake spme prizes at your country fair. A smali amount of seed of eacli of the above six varieties f'enougli for you to try them) all in one package for only ‘25 cents, 5 packages foi $1.00 postpaid. ALVIN SALES CO. Dept. T. P. O. Box 56, Winnipeg, Man. NEW HYBRIDIZED Potato Seeds Keadquarters Stock. PQTATO SEEDS are curious and won- j derful. Every seed will produce a diíYeren^ variety. Tho product will be a multitude of ( colors, shapcs, sizes» and ciualities. There, wili bo white, yellow, pinkri-ed, blue,purple,( and blaek potatocs. Evtraordinary freaks, oftpn appear. One may mako your fortune. ( A11 Valuable ? ) Ncw Varieties ( Aro Produced From Sccds » asThese. > s-rom / Guch as Cwwv BALLS ÖHK-FODHTn SIZlí. CROWSNG New Yarieties from the true' ílybridized Seed ( froin the vanishing Seed, Kalls) is íntensely intoresting. The possi-( biiity of produeing a new variety superior to ( alJ óthérs—-and moro valuablo than a gold( mine, Ls fascinating in tho extreme. Potato Seed Balls Aro Vanishing- t^otato Seeds aVe among the rarost of\ áU ^íoeds. Please show thls Packet to i your'friends. Let them g;ét some whileii they can. S'Jo one should miss the chancej i to grow these marvelous Secdling Potorji toes. There may be blg money in'lt asj,; well a3 fun galore. Now Is your time. hybridiZed potato seeds Packöt S5 cts. 4 for SOc. IOforSl.00. ALVIN SALES CO. Dept. T. P. O Box 56, Winnipeg, Man Gigantic New Guinea New Edible Vegetable Wonder A Single Bean Measures 3 to 5 feet Long and Weighs 10 ío 15 !bs. The Gigantic New Guinea Butter Bean is the latest Vegetable Wonder, introduced by us for the first time in 1917. It is grown principally in New Guinea or Papua, as the country is now called, an Island situated to the North of Australia. It is said to bc a branch of thc Gourd family and to furnish Bubsistence for tbe Papuan nativcs. Thc vines are casily grown, vcry prolific, and a vaíuable adjunct to farm or prarden. The beans themsclves grow to an nstonishing size, onc bean measuring from3 to G feet long, and weighing anywhere frorri 10 to 16 lbs. and even hiore. One bean is uuflicient for n family for several meals. When cooked they make delicious eating. In addition to their palatableness, the beans are very rich in nutritious materials and the delicate buttery flavor is much appreciated. Bcing so easily grown, and bearing so prolifically. they should help to cut down the high cost of livinK to quite an appreciahle extent. Try them. You will find them the finest vege- tab[e yqp have evcr tasted. Samgte pnckago of soeds, with full directions for cultivating, cooking, etc.. 25c. AL-VIN SALES CO Dept. T P.Q.BQX se, winnipeg man.
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Almanak Ólafs S. Thorgeirssonar

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