Læknaneminn - 01.03.1949, Síða 23

Læknaneminn - 01.03.1949, Síða 23
Læknaneminn 23 and its cold, to hear its com- plaints, to register its groans. — And is it possible to feel an interest in all this? Indeed it is. Whence comes this interest? At first it seldom comes naturally; a mere sense of duty1 must create it. Presently, the quick, curious, restless spirit of science enlivens it; and then the deliberate choice of the mind. “When the interest of attend- ing the sick has reached this point, there arises from it a ready discernment of disease and a skill in the use of reme- dies. — And the skill exalts the interest, and the interest im- proves the skill, until in process of time, experience forms the consummate practitioner. “But does the interest of at- tending the sick necessarily stop here? No. What if humanity shall warm it? Then this inter- est, this excitement, this intel- lectual pleasure is exalted into a principle invested into a mo- ral motive, and passes into the heart. . . .” Happdrœtti Háskóla Islands. Vinningar eru 7200 — aukavinningar 33. Samtals 2 milljónir 520 þúsund krónur. Verð: 12 kr., 6 kr. og 3 kr. í flokki. Athugið ákvæðin um skattfrelsi vinninganna.



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