Lögberg - 03.05.1948, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 03.05.1948, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG FIMMTUDAGINN, 3. MAÍ, 1948 3 ■A News-Letter in Lieu of a Personal Visit: Newsletter on the lcelanders ln Northern Colifornia Did you say RAIN? Yes, we Sot it and plenty. So much that they say we are now overflowing into the Pacific Ocean! During these rainy days and weeks your scribes have been very forcefuily reminded of the Rainy Season we endured annually in Japan where it rained so much at this time of the year that not only the clothes and everything eise in tiie h o m e mildewed, but the people also including ourselves became mildewed i.e. short- tempered and disagreeable. But the sun is shining now and the panoramics of the Bay A r e a stand out so fresh and clear that we can’t help but be most grate- íul to the Almighty for all this rain. Now we are all set for a humper harvest. We had no sooner run off our March letter than we discovered two very serious omissions.—On March 21st., our Palm Sunday Service and Picnic Day we had guests from no other than Judge Walter Lindal!—Guðmun- dur Thorsteinsson, a very faith- ful friend from L. A. came up to sPend the day with us. This was a real surprise and so unexpect- ed that we forgot to give him honorable mention! But knowing s° well his generous nature, we are sure that he is not carrying a chip on his shoulder. Please c°me again G. T. and come often. On the same day Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson of Tacoma, Ore- S°n, parents of Miss Mildred dohnson of Oakland honored us wdh t h e i r presence. Henry is °riginally from Pembina County a cousin of Jake Erlendson of Hensel who visited us last year. ^lildred is one of our “finds”. (We are proud of her too!) She ad been for so many years out °f touch with Icelanders that she 13 really enjoying these new °und associations. Her parents Were enroute to visit with Mr. Johnson’s sister in L.A. where fhey are reported to be enjoying fhe sunny south. But wait till they come back north! On March 24th., we were honored by an ^jvitation to dine with them at ildred’s home where Ellalee shares the “honors” of the house- °ld. They are a grand pair of hostesses! - ^odge Lindal was so impress- ch with the possibilities in this reu inspite of the very heavy yains during his whole stay. He °°ught tickets on a city house ín S.F. He hopes to win! We’re oping too, not that we need a . udge in our Community, but he íf a íolly good fellow and we’d 1 e to number him as one of us lri Northern California! ♦ On March 24th., a farewell arty ut the Plummers for Mr. and Mrs. Oli Hallson. The Hall- !°ns left for the north on Easter ^onday thrilled with their visit ^ahfornia and especiallv in ese parts. How about coming ut here to retire, Oli? Welcome. On March 31st. your scribes ere honored at an Easter Duck . lílner with all the trimmings n the company of Mrs. Inger pStlund at the Phillips’ home in ual° Alto. Sigurjon Olafsson sat P to the table with us and en- eyed the festivities. He always e eomes us with a hearty smile. On April 9th., a son, Richard ussell born to Mr. and Mrs. j' Watson of S.F. Congratu- q lQns! — We wish to welcome f tather lnto the Grand- ers Club which now should e aunched in our Community. °w about it — Ellis, Henry, Andy, Kjartan, Joe, B.B., Jack, Fúsi and É. M.? Are there others? Yours truly is already a Grandfather 7 times. ■♦ On April lOth. we celebrated our Better-Half’s Birthday. Yes, we believe in celebrating on all our Birthdays and yours too if you’d only let us know. We cele- brated by going off by ourselves into the country for the day, a very selfish way we will admit, but we are human too, you know! -f On April 12th. Mrs. Walter Downie (Margret) had a Birth- day, but no report has come in as to doings! Congratulations! We’ll cut a cake for you and all the other April folks on Sunday, April 25th., Welcome. ♦ On April 13th., Lily Benonys added a year to her young age! Her sister Sigga had a very de- lightful evening Party with a few friends at their home on Bonita Way. Lily received many many telegrams of congratula- tions from friends in Iceland on this day. , •t- April 15th., our Margrethe drove us to Santa Rosa where we were feasted by the Meisted Sisters. Their Mother, Johanna expects to return shortly to Van- couver, B.C. for the summer. Welcome back in the fall, Mother Melsted. ■♦ On April 18th. (Sunday even- ing) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Erlend- son of S.F. invited us over to a Smorgaasbord Dinner in honor of Mrs. E.’s father, Mr. Hagen who had recently returned from a flying trip to the Scandinav- ian countries including Iceland, of course! He had no sooner land- ed back in America than he broke a leg from which injury he has about recovered. There were 6 or 7 nationality back- grounds represented at the table. Needless to say, the menu was tops and the conversations lively. ■♦ On April 19th. our son Erik had a Birthday. They came from Chico to spend the weekend with us, but we missed the Twins etc! Sure, we enjoy our grandchild- ren even more than we do our children, but who wouldn’t! -♦ Imagine our surprise last Mon- day morning when we looked out into the garden at six A.M. There we saw Svenni and' J o h a n n working away! And what a good job they are doing you’ll be able to see when you come to the Picnic on Sunday. Yes, have taken over in the gar- den too. You see, their interests are varied and not confined to the “Ambassadorial Limousine”. They are also interested in the “Consular Gardens” which serve as the Icelandic Picnic Grounds for this Area. ■♦ As we are going “to press” we hear rumors that the daughter of the Bishop of Iceland and the sister of Séra Pétur is visiting in the Bay Area. Wþ are hoping she will be in these parts over next Sunday, our Picnic Day so we can extend to her a welcome on behalf of the Icelanders of the B a y A r e a . Her father’s and brother’s visits among us are still very fresh in our memories. -f It has been reported to us that Leo Bardarson is convalescing from a heart attack at the Kern General Hospital in Bakersfield. Mrs. Bardarson (Pauline) has managed to find an apartment Aldarminning Spiritsmans Sálarrannsóknarfélag íslands minntist aldarafmælis spiritism- ans dagana 30. marz til 1. apríl síðastl. Að kvöldi þess 30. marz var fjölmennt samsæti í Sjálfstæðis- húsinu. Forseti Sálarrannsóknar félagsins, sera Jón Auðuns, dóm- kirkjupfestur setti samkomuna og bauð gesti velkomna. Hann minntist á þá atburði, er gjörðust á heimili fátækra hjóna í Hydes- ville í Ameríku fyrir réttum hundrað árum síðan og urðu til þess að hrinda af stað sálarrann sóknunum. Einnig talaði þar frú Soffía Haraldsdóttir og las með- al annars stuttan en gullfagran kafla úr fyrirlestri eftir föður sinn, prófessor Harald Nielsson. Einar E. Kvaran sagði frá fyrstu félagssamtökunum hér á landi undir forustu þeirra séra Harald ar og Einars H. Kvaran til þess að rannsaka hin sálrænu fyrir- bæri og las upp afburðasnjalla ræðu, er E. Kvaran flutti á fundi Tilraunafélagsins á 60 ára afmæli spiritismans eða fyrir réttum fjörutíu árum. Þóra Borg Einars son las smásöguna 1 jarðhúsum er Guðmundur Kamban ritaði ósjálfrátt, þá nýlega fermdur unglingur. Birgir Halldórsson söng einsöng og Karl Billich lék einleik á slaghörpu. Sigfús Elías- son flutti afmæliskveðju til fé- lagsins í ljóðum. Samsæti þetta fór hið prýðilegasta fram. — Af hálfu gestanna talaði biskup Is- lands og minntist einkar hlý- lega starfsemi Sálarrannsóknar- félagsins og brautryðjenda þeirra málefna hér á landi, prófessors Haraldar Nielssonar og Einars H. Kvaran rithöfund- ar. Meðal gestanna voru einnig séra Árni Sigurðsson fríkirkju- prestur og frú og séra Jón Thor- arensen og frú hans. near the Hospital. Their present address is:- 1315% Flower Street, Bakersfield, California. —How about dropping them a card? ■f June 17th., Iceland’s Indepen- dence Day cömes on a Thursday this year. There are 3 altern- atives for a celebration. (1) A limited affair on the evening of the 17th. at some Hotel. (2) A public affair on Saturday even- ing the 19th. at a rented Hall in San Francisco. (3) An Open House affair on Saturday after- noon the 20th. at the Icelandic Consulate at 1152 Laurel Street, Berkeley. Which shall it be? PLEASE drop us a line at once with your suggestions. Many Thanks. ♦ How about some of that Hangi- kjöt? Just call up and order from Mr Paladini at KE 26811 or go to his Melrose Meat Market at 5131 East 14th. Oakland. ♦ Our next picnic date is May 23rd. This is YOUR invitation. WELCOME. ■f As we sign off today (April 22nd.) we greet you with best ishes for a very happy summer as this is “Sumardaginn fyrsti.” Very sincerely yours, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson Kvöldið eftir gekkst Sálar- rannsóknarfélagið fyrir kvöld- vöku í útvarpinu. Þar töluðu, auk forseta félagsins, séra Jakob Jónsson og séra Kristinn Dan- íelsson, sem er elztur þeirra nú- lifaandi manna hér á landi er beittu sér fyrir sálarrannsóknun um, og hefir starfað að þeim málum æ síðan af brennandi á- huga og gerir enn, þótt hátt sé kominn á níræðisaldur. — Frú Soffía Haraldsdóttir las valda kafla úr ritum föður síns og Ævar Kvaran flutti kafla úr einni af sögum Einars H. Kvar- an. Auk þess var söngur og tón- leikar. Síðastliðið sunnudagskvöld hinn 4. þ. m. mán. var almenn samkoma í fríkirkjunni. Þar töluðu> auk forseta Sálarrann- sóknarfélagsins þeir Einar Lofts son kennari og séra Jón Thor- arensen, en kirkjukórinn söng. Kirkjan var troðfull af fólki. Það heíir komið skýrt í ljós í sambandi við þessi hátíðahöld að Spiritismanum er stöðugt að aukast fylgi meðal þjóðarinnar Meðlimum Sálarrannsóknarfé- lagsins hefir verið stórum auk- ið, ekki sízt á yfirstandandi ári. Hefir og félagið nýlega eignast hús fyrir starfsemi sína og er það því ómetanlegur styrkur.. Enda þótt spiritisminn hér á landi, eins og víða annarsstaðar mætti í upphafi nokkurri andúð frá hálfu kirkjunnar eða ein- stakra manna innan hennar og geri það raunar enn, má þó yfir- leitt segja að íslenzka kirkjan viðurkenni réttmæti þess að rannsökuð séu sem gaumgæfi- legast hin sálrænu fyrirbæri, enda var brautryðjandi þessara rannsókna hér á landi, prófessor Haraldur Nielsson, einlægur kirkjunnar maður, prófessor við Guðfræðideild Háskólans og jafnframt áhrifamesti og snjall- asti prédikari landsins á sinni tíð. Eg hygg að-segja megi, að allur meginþorri íslenzkra presta nú, sé hlynntur sálarrannsóskn- unum, viðurkenni fyllilega að þær hafi orðið fjölda manns til hinnar mestu blessunar, vakið menn til ýtarlegri og alvarlegri umhugsunar um eilífðarmálin, styrkt trú þeirra á miskunn og kærleika Guðs og á þau grund- vallarsannindi kristindómsins að maðurinn lifi þótt hann deyi. Ef sálarrannsóknunum tekst að sanna óvefengjanlega fram- haldslíf sálarinnar eftir líkams- dauðann, o gspiritistar telja, að þær sannanir séu nú þegar fyrir hendi, þá ætti kirkja Jesú Krists sannarlega að fagna þeim ár- angri. Trúin og sannleikurinn eru systkin en ekki andstæður eða óvinir. Sannleikurinn styrkir trúna og trúin á að styrkja mennina til þess að leita sannleikans í hverju máli, virða hann og elska. Sjálfur höfundur trúar vorrar sagði þessi dýrlegu orð, sem lærisveinar hans mega aldrei gleyma en ætíð geyma í hjarta sínu til eftirbreytni. “Til þess er ég fæddur og til þess kom ég í heiminn, að ég beri sann- leikanum vitni”. S. V. Kirkjublaðið, 5. apríl. Business and Professionai Cards ORÐSENDINC TIL KAUPENDA LÖGBERGS og HEIMSKRINGLU Á ÍSLANDI Áskriftagjöldin eru fallin í gjalddaga. Góðfúslega greiðið þau til mín fyrir júní- lok, án þess að kalla þurfi frekar eftir þeim. BJÖRN GUÐM UNDSSON Mávahlíð 37, Reykjavík. SELKIRK NETAL PRODUCTS LTD. Reykháfar, öruggasta eldsvörn, og ávalt hreinir. Hitaeining, ný uppfynding, sparar eldivií, heldur hita. KKIjLY sveinsson Slmi 54 358. 187 Sútherland Ave., Wlnnipeg. S. O. BJERRING Canadian Stamp Co. RUBBER & METAL STAMPS " NOTARY & CORPORATE SÉALS CELLULOID BUTTONS 324 Smith St. Winnipeg Office Ph. 95 668 Res. 404 319 NORMAN S.BERGMAN, B.A..LL.B. Ilarristcr, SoIicJtor, etc. 617 Mclntyre Block WINNIPEG CANADA fEfelÉl JEWELLEHS gimps 447 Portage Ave. Also 123 TENTH ST. BRANDON Winnipeg H. J. STEFANSSON IAfe, Accident and Health Insurance Representing THE GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Win nipeg, Man. Phone 96 144 DR. A. V. JOHNSON Dentiat 506 SOMERSET BUILDING Telephone 97 932 Home Telephone 202 398 Taisími 95 826 Heimilis 53 893 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN Sérfrœdinr/ur { aucna, eyma, nef og kverka sjúkdómum. 209 Medical Arts Bldg. Stofuttmi: 2.00 til 5.00 e. h. DR. ROBERT BLACK SérfrœOinour í auono., eyrna, nef og hdlssjúkdómum. 401 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG Graham and Kennedy St. Skrifstofuslmi 93 851 Heimastml 403 794 EYOLFSON’S DRUG PARK RIVER, N. DAK. islenzkur lyfsali Fölk getur pantað meðul og annað með pósti. Fljót afgreiðsla. A. S. B A R D A L 848 SHERBROOK STREET Selur llkkistur og annast um at- f&rir. Allur ótbönaður ak bestl. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar mfnnisvarða og legsteina. Skrifstofu talslmí 27 324 Hieimnis talsími 26 444 Geo. R. Waldren, M. D. Physician and Burgeon C&valier, N. D. Office Phone 96. House 108. PHONE 94 686 H. J. H. PALMASON and Company Chartered Accountants 606 CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING Wlnnipeg, Canada Phone 49 469 R&dio Service Specialists ELECTRONIC LABS. H. THOItKELSON, Prop. The most up-to-date Sound Equipment System. 130 OSBORNE ST., WINNIPEG PHONE 87493 Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson SUITE 7 VINBORG APTS. 594 Agnes St. Viðtalstlmi 3—6 eftlr hádegi DR. E. JOHNSON 304 EVELINE STREET Selkirk, Man. Offlee hrs. 2.30—6 p.m. Phones: Office 26 — Res. Jí® Offlce Phone 94 762 Res Phons 72 48» Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 528 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Office Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m. and by appolntment Drs. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar 406 TORONTO GEN. TRU8TS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 96 962 WINNIPHO Dr. Charles R. Ok® Tannlœknir For Appolntments Phone 94 901 Office Hours 9—6 404 TORONTO GEN, TRUBTS BUILDING 283 PORTAGE AVB. Winnipeg, M&n. SARGENT TAXI PHONE 34 655 For Quick Rellahle Service J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BLDG WPG- Fastelgnasaiar. Leigja hös. Ct- vega peningalán og eldsábyrgC. bifreiðaábyrgð, o. s. frv. PHONE 97 538 Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson and Eggertson LögfrœOingar 209BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BG Portage og Garry St. Slmi 98 291 GUNDRY PYMORE Limited Brltlsh Quality Fish Netting 58 VICTORIA ST„ WINNIPEG Phone 98 211 Manager T. R. THORVALDBON Your patronage will be appreclateí C A N A D I A N FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J. H. PAOE, Managing Dtreatar Wholesale Dlstrlbutors of Frmh and Froien Flsto. 311 CHAMBERS STREBT Offlce Ph. 26 828 Res. Ph. TB »M G. F. Jonasson, Pres. & Man. Dir. Keystone Fisheries Limited 404 SCOTT BLOCK SlMI 96 227 Wholesaie Distributors of FRESH AND FROZEN FISH Manitoba Fisheries WINNIPEG, MAN. T. Bercovitch, framkv.stj. Verzla i helldsölu með nýjan oc frosinn fisk. 303 OWENA 8TREET Skj'ifst.simi 26 355 Heima 55 461



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