
Lögberg - 01.07.1948, Qupperneq 3

Lögberg - 01.07.1948, Qupperneq 3
LÖGBERG FIMMTUDAGINN, 1. JÚLI, 1948 3 A News-Letter in Lieu of a Personal Visit: Newsletter on the lcelanders In Northern Colifornia Welcome to our next At Home Picnic on Sunday June 27th. We have just received word that the Icelandic Consul and his family from Vancouver B. C. expect to be here by that date. Come and find out who he is! ♦ Sorry we were out too late to make arrangements for “doings” on Iceland’s Independence Day this year. We were all set to pull off something in San Francisco and when we found out that all halls there were out of reach, we decided to come back to the East Bay again. But our Hall over here had meen spoken for months in advance for all dates in June. Then all kinds of other doings came along which kept us in a dither. Here’s hoping we’ll be in a mood for a real cale- bration next year. What a picnic we had in May! Those of you who didn’t see the Pick and Shovel Gang or the Overalls Parade in the garden at lunch time really missed some- thing! Come on the 27th and see what Oli, Larry, Phil, Ted, Ocar, John V, Ellis, Svenni, Johann and others did. Even Dr. Ben and Andy did their share! ♦ We were honored at our last Picnic by the presence of Mr. B. G. Siveriz of Ottawa, represent- ing the Canadian Department of External Affairs. Mr. Sivertz is arranging for a Canadian Consular Headquarters in San Francisco. With him was his father, Kristján Severtz of Victoria B. C. whom it was a privilege to meet. But these two were escorted by one of our own, Miss Groa Sigurdson of S. F. who at last braved our Picnics for the first time! We are hoping that these three will come again on the 27th. Our Picnics are really becom- ing famous! Mrs. Ella Wells of Blaine, Wash. and her daughter Mrs. Marion Irwin wrote inquir- ing about reservations for the May Picnic! They came and we know they were thrilled at being with us judging from their letters of appreciation. We were thrilled to have them. The plea- sure was ours. Come again. ♦ How we appreciate personal notes of 'encouragement about our Newsletter! One such was received just as we were worry- ing about the ”Young People” not coming out to our Picnic in any appreciable numbers. We were playing with the idea of promoting a Picnic for Young Married Couples and Prospects! Then came a note from a young Mother who enjoys reading our monthly letters, but “with two little ones it is hard to get to your gatherings, perhaps a little later we can’-. There I got my answer, and I believe that is the case with many of the young folks who would like to come. Be assured that the latch-string is always and at any time on the outside for folks like YOU. On May 28th the Icelandic Students Society had a “Sukiy- aki-’ Dinner Party in S. F. with some of their friends. The Japanese cooking mas found to be most appetizhing even to real Icelandic palates! This was my Father’s favorite dish when he was with us in Japan. ♦ On May 30th Jackie and'Bob Bell Inc were able to announce the launching of their first of an expected fleet of hopeful life- cruisers. It was a SON, — ROY ALEXANDER BELL. Congra- tulations! ♦ On June lst Florence and Evelyn Frederickson “sailed forth” in their car to holiday enroute to Winnipeg. Florence is Publicity Manager of the Alice Frock Co of S. F., and her sister Evelyn is an advertising writer. Come and tell us about your trip at the first Picnic after your return. -f On June 6th about 30 friends motored out to Palo Alto to make merry with our friend Sigurjon Olafsson who had a Birthday on June lst. He was in his wheel- chair out in the garden most of the aftemoon. Thoughtful friends padded and robed his wheel- chair very well so that was quite comfortable all the time. — He really enjoyed “the Surprise” and the singing. We were all happy at seeing him lokking'so well. Holga and Phil have asked us to convey to you all their gratitude for all your kindnesses. -f Are you going to Iceland this summer? On June 7th Krist Gudnason, owner of the Alice Frock Co S. F. was the first to leave from here. This will be his 4th trip since the war ended. — Next week on the 23rd Mrs. P. H Phillips — Helga — is leaving for a month’s visit to Reykjavik. By the end of July Oli Johnson and his son will probably be well on their way across the Atlantic. Bon Voyage to one and all! — HAPPÁ LANDING! -f Golden wedding bells. — Mr. and Mrs. Erik M. Thorsteinsson are to be feted by their children and their children’s children on their 50th Wedding Anniversary on July lOth ■ at their home, 3945 Rio Linda Blvd. Del Paso Heights — a suburb of Sacra- mento. — There is to be an all- day OPEN HOUSE, and YOU are all invited to drop in and say, HELLO etc. They were members of my Father’s congregation in Minnesota 60 years ago! -f On June 8th Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dowd with their two daughters Carol Pat and Nancy Jeanne arrived from St. Louis by car to spend a moth with us. Nancy is our 7th granddaughter with whom we are getting acquainted for the first time. Come and see them on the 27th. KAUPENDUR LÖGBERGS OG HEIMSKRINGLU Á ISLANDI I Gerið svo vel að senda mér sem fyrst greiðslu fyrir yfirstandandi árgang, kr. 25.00 fyTÍr hvort blað. Dragið ekki að greiða blöðin. Það léttir innheimtuna. Æskilegt að gjaldið sé sent í póstávísun. Þeir sem eiga ógreidda eldri árganga, eru vinsamlega beðnir að snúa sér til mín. BJÖRN GUÐM UNDSSON Mávahlíð 37, Reykjavík. Þér útverðir Snœlenzkra erfða Tileinkað Mrs. Hólmfríði Daníelson Business and Professional Cards Flutt á samkomu þjóðræknisdeildarinnar “Island” í Brownbygð, 11. júní, 1948. I. Það bandið sem bindur oss traustast við bergtypta Snælenzka slóð, er tungunnar orðkyngis eldur og aflvaki hugsjóna þjóð. Væri ei grátlegt að glata þeim gimstein fyrst eigum við hann og getum því glætt hjá þeim ungu enn glöggskygni á fjársjóðinn þann. Að mega þær berglindir bergja fær blætt fyrir sérhverja raun við lærdóminn tungunnar tignu þótt trautt sjáum baráttu laun. Ef enskunnar ítrustu þekking vor ungmenni hyggjast að ná skýrist þeim nauðsyn til námsins og nothæfnin finnast mun þá. Sá arfur vor íslenzka kynstofns, er engum til mjnkunar neitt, hérna í víðfeðmu vestri hvar vorhugans kapphlaup er þreytt. I samkepni málanna miSrgu til mentunar vaxandi þjóð; Hann einn hefir óþrotlegt dýpi af orðsnild í fræðanna sjóð. II. Þér útverðir Snælenzkra erfða! Látið ekkert fá slokkið það bál, Verndið sígildi sagna( og ljóða sveipið hreinleik vort Feðranna mál. Mitt í hringiðu daglega hismsins jafnan hlúið að kynstofnsins rót. Varist glundroðans glyskendri blekking; Göfgið ættlandsins sviptigna mót. Jóhannes H. Húnfjörð. Last week Dr. J. M. T. Wint- her, our senior colleague from Japan honored us with a visit. He is quite an admirer of Ice- landers and Icelandic culture. He even reads the original. Alt- hough we were not able to have him meet many of our Icelandic friends, we did have him with us at an all-day Japanese Picnic at Tilden Park last Sunday where he spoke in both English and Japanese. He is Danish, but a grand friend notwithsstanding. ♦ By the end of this month Dr. A. F. Oddstad will have opened his new Office at 6794 Mission St., Daly City. We are assured that his “set-up” will be the very latest. Congratulations! -f On June 12th you know that President Truman spoke at the Commencement Exercises on the Campus of the University in Berkeley. But probably you didn’t know that Mrs. Gertrude L. Bardarson was one in the throng of gowned and capped students out for a Sheepskin! — She received a B. S. C. Degree in Nutrition, and expects to move to Seattle to enter some phase of Public Health work. — An- other Icelander among the graduates was S. O. Thorlaksson Jr., who received a B. A. Degree in Music and Arts. We congratu- late these two. -f On June 18th, a double BAPTISM — cousins — grand- children ’öf Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hannesson. JAMES ROBERT, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hannesson of Davis, Calif.; and LINDA JEAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Henderson of Richmond, Calif. Congratula- tion. -f On June 20th there is a Con- flict! Oil and Marion are having a bang-up Bar-B-Q in their garden with a host of friends. — Maybe this is Oli’s send-off Party. — On the same date we are having a Family Reunion at 1152 Laurel Street. Sorry we can’t be at two place at the same time! But Oli has promised to make it up to us on his return, from Iceland! -f On June 23, GWEN ALBERT is leaving for Europe! She won a Scholarship with the MAR- SHALL-PLAN - IN - ACTION, a Summer Training School Aboad sponsored by the University of Vermont in cooperation with our State Department. She will be gone until sometime in Sept. We rejoice with Gwen in this honor and wish her the best of every- thing enroute. -f Two representatives from Ice- land have arrived to attend the International Labor Conference —ILO— scheduled these days in S.F. They are:- Jonas Gudmund- son and Jon Olafson, both stay- ing at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. Come and meet them on the 27th. -f At our JULY PICNIC —25th— if Dr. H. Sigmar of Vancouver is with us, there will be a Service in the Icelandic language at 2pm preceding the garden party at 3 o’clock. KINDEST GREETINGS Sincerely yours, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson — Mér þykir fyrir því að heyra að konan þín hafi hlaupist á brott með bezta vini þínum — þú hlýtur að sakna hans. -f — Eg get vel skilið, að þú hafir verið taugaóstyrkur, þegar þú baðst hennar, en það hefir þó ekkert verið hjá taugaóstyrk hennar áður en þú gerðir það. -f — Eg er viss um, að þú hefir fengið mikið fé fyrir bækurnar sem þú hefir skrifað, en þú verð- ur að játa, að þ úhefir ekki skrifað neitt sem lifir. Skáldið: — Ef til vill ekki. En þegar ég legg fyrir mig þá spurn ingu hvort eigi að lifa, ég sjálf- ur eða verk mín, hika ég aldrei við að halda áfram á þessari braut. SELKIRK METAL PRCDUCTS LTD. Reykháfar, öruggasta eldsvörn, og ávalt hreinir. Hitaeining, ný uppfynding, sparar eldiviS, heldur hita. KELLY SVEINSSON Sími 64 358. 187 Sutherland Ave., Wlnnipeg. S. O. BJERRING Canadian Stamp Co. RUBBER & METAL STAMPS NOTARY & CORPORATE SEALS CELLULOID BUTTONS 324 Smilh Sí. Winnipeg Office Ph. 95 668 Res. 404 319 NORMAN S. BERGMAN, B.A..LL.B. líarrister, Solicitor, etc. 617 Mclntyre Block WINNIPEG CANADA ,—/Æanmnwg^^ Also 123 ífVEIDSTEDl TENTH ST. |l JEWELLERS BRANDON 447 Portage Ave. Winnipeg Manitoba Fisheries WINNIPEG, MAN. T. Bercovitch, fram.kv.8tj. Verzla I helldsölu með nýjan og frosinn fisk. 303 OWENA STREET Skrifst.slmi 25 365 Heima 65 462 DR. A. V. JOHNSON' Dentist 506 SOMERSET BUILDING Telephone 97 932 Home Telephone 202 398 Taisími 95 826 Heimilis 53 893 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN SérfrœGingur í augna, eyma, nef og kverka sjúkdómum. 209 Medical Arts Bldg. Stofutími: 2.00 til 5.00 e. h. DR. ROBERT BLACK SérfrœSlngur i augna, ej/ma, nef og hdlssjúkdómum. 401 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG Graham and Kennedy St. Skrifstofuslmi 93 851 Heimaslmi 403 794 JOHN A. HILLSMAN. M.D., Ch. M. 627 Medical Arts. Bldg. Of f ice-99 349 Home-403 233 PHONE 87493 Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson SUITE 7 VINBORG APTS. 594 Agnes St- ViBtalstlmi 3—5 eftir hádegl DR. E. JOHNSON 304 EVELINE STREET Selkirk, Man. Office hrs. 2.30—6 p.m. Phones: Office 26 — Res. 230 Office Phone Res Phone 94 762 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 528 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Offlce Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m. and by appolntment Drs. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar 406 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 96 952 WINNIPEG Dr. Charles R. Oke Tannlœknir For Appointments Phone 94 908 Office Hours 9—6 404 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS BUILDING 283 PORTAGE AVE. Winnipeg, Man. SARGENT TAXI PHONE 34 556 For Quick Relia'ble Service J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BLDG WPG. Fasteignasalar. Leigja hös. Ot- vega peningalán og eldsábyrgB. bifreiSaábyrgð, o. s. frv. PHONE 97 538 EYOLFSON’S DRUG PARK RIVER, N. DAK. islenzkur lyfsali Fólk getur pantað meCul og annað með pðsti. Fljðt afgreiðsla. Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson and Eggertson LögfrœOlngar 209BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BG. Portage og Garry St. Slmi 98 291 A. S. B A R D A L 848 SHERBROOK STREET Selur llkkistur og annast um Ut- farir. Allur útbúnaður sá bezti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar minnisvarða og legsteina. Skrifstofu talsími 27 324 Heimilis talslmi 26 444 GUNDRY PYMORE Limited British QuaMty Fish Netting 68 VICTORIA ST„ WINNIPEG Phone 98 211 Manager T. R. TBORVALDSON Your patronage will be appreciated Geo. R. Waldren, M. D. \ Physician and Surgeon Cavalier, N. D. Office Phone 95. House 108. C A N A D 1 A N FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J. B. PAOE, Managing Director Wholesale Distributors of Fráeh and Frozen Fish. 311 CHAMBERS STREET Office Ph. 26 328 Res. Ph. 73 917 PHONE 94 981 H. J. H. PALMASON and Company Chartered Accountants 219 McINTYRE BLOCK Winnipeg’, Canada Q. P. Jonasson, Pres. & Man. Dir. Keystone Fisheries Limited 404 SCOTT BLOCK SIMI 95 227 Wholesale Distributors of FRESH AND FROZEN FISH 7 Phone 49 469 Radio Service Specialists ELECTRONIC LABS. H. TEORKELSON, Prop. The most up-to-date Sound Equipment System. 130 OSBORNE ST., WINNIPEG



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